Chapter 22

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Someone needs to explain to Nkosi for me that WE WILL NEVER WORK. This guy has made my life a living hell. At first he was okay and I thought he was expressing his unending feelings for me. He would buy me flowers and my favourites with some card declaring his love for me. I also have my secret admirer to deal with. This guy is doing the most. If it's not him knowing how my day looks like and how frustrated I am then it's him sending me goodies.

The last time I received a necklace personalised with my initials and a card that says "Never take this one out". It feels weird or rather scary that this person knows so much about me and I don't have a clue who it could be or it can be Nkosi trying to turn things around. I haven't put on the necklace I just admire it and that's all. What if it has a tracker then am kidnapped. I even leave it in my office incase he is trying to know where I stay. Back to that pest now he escalated to coming to work during lunch even reception knows that they not supposed to let him in. I think he's obsessed. Actually he is!! I don't think

"A penny for your thoughts" Zweli says leaning on the door. I have been trying to avoid him for as long as I can. What I feel for him is too deep now

"Nothing much hey" I say and start fiddling with things on my desk trying not to maintain eye contact.

"There can't be nothing you have been in deep thoughts and I called you 5 times to no answer" he says coming to my desk.

"Arrgg it's just some pest I am trying to control but to no success" I say.

"A problem half shared......" I don't wait for Zweli to finish his statement

"Is a problem half solved." I say.

I tell him what has been up the past few months. I seemingly can't hide my feelings and emotions away from him. I don't know why? Maybe he makes it easy for me to communicate with him. He's a very attentive listener and good with giving advice.

"It looks like you've got yourself some obsessed freak in that guy. Thought of protection order or something" he says and asks

"Well I haven't to that extent cause he is not being violent or anything" I say and Zweli looks at me displeased

"You can't wait for him to get there Talitha or far worse kidnap you" he says with his authority voice

"I'll put it out on my list. Did you come for something?" I ask trying to close off the conversation

"Yes. We have a trip in the next coming month to Cape Town. I'll be going with Sakhi so he asked for his "girl" to accompany him there. Make it 4 bedrooms cause I'll need you to be there on this one" he says not forgetting to quote the 'his girl'.

"If she's the girl then why separate rooms?" I ask

"I think he just doesn't want to leave her here so he asked her to come with just to keep tabs on her" he says. Sakhi is really crazy

"What's up with the two of them kanti" I ask.

They have been playing cat and dog. The other time we went out with them and they just couldn't stop staring at each other but saying they not in a relationship. There was a time where Sakhi lost it when Lihle was flirting with this other guy. We had to intervene. So much for no feelings attached!!

"All I can say is that Sakhi is whipped but scared to confess cause he told the girl some shit staff the time they were hooked by the parents" he says tossing a sweet in his mouth and chews it. God's creation!! How can someone look so damn hot chewing?

"Yoh ayy shame it's deep. I would honestly prefer someone who would confess his feelings for me than just sending signs cause I am dumb when it comes to actions. Words are the it for me" I say

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