Chapter 20.

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As the days went on, Hinata was finally able to return home permanently from the hospital and things pretty much went back to normal. It was still summer break, so they didn't have to worry about school, but they did go back to playing volleyball. After such a long break from it, both of them were kind of rusty. People were excited to see Hinata back and made sure to let him know how much they'd missed him. Other than the initial greetings though, people didn't mention the car crash much, and Kageyama tried to ignore that it had ever happened. He even forgot about his promise to himself, which was probably a good thing because it meant he wouldn't be weird around Hinata.

They passed their make-up exams so they didn't have to worry about that anymore, and applied to several different colleges, hoping that they'd both be accepted to the same ones, so they could live together. As luck would have it, one of the colleges that accepted them was the one that Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi were going to.

Hinata was overjoyed, "It has to be that one!" Kageyama agreed, he didn't know how to pick out colleges so that seemed as good a reason as any to go to one.

When they went to check out apartments to see where they'd be staying, they stopped by at Kuroo and Kenma's place. They got to see Peanut Butter, and Hinata asked how they liked having a cat.

"It's fine," Kenma responded, "I like cats, but it is kind of annoying sometimes, because he walks on my keyboard sometimes when I'm streaming, and he's caused me to exit out of a game multiple times."

They saw that there were already cat things everywhere, including several toys and cat towers.

"I want him to wear outfits," Kuroo told them, "So I'm trying to get him used to clothes, but at the moment he still hates it." Kuroo pulled up his sleeves and revealed scratches all over his hands and arms.

"Some of these are from Kenma," He explained, "For the same reason actually. I was trying to get him to wear something other than a hoodie, but it didn't work out."

"I'm not even slightly sorry," Kenma said, "He tried to put me in a skirt. A skirt! He knows I hate being feminine."

"Kenma you're no fun," Kuroo whined, "I put a skirt on for you."

"Yeah, but just because you're easy to persuade, doesn't mean I am," Kenma answered.

Kageyama and Hinata left them to argue, and continued looking for a place to live. Kuroo and Kenma's building had some open rooms and the rent was pretty reasonable, so after some consideration, they decided to sign a lease. They did have a bit of trouble with the paperwork, but they got Akaashi to help them out and were able to complete it in only a couple days. Now, everything was set for their future and they still had a few weeks of summer vacation left.

Kageyama and Hinata decided to plan a trip to an amusement park like they'd talked about before, because they both really wanted to just relax, spend time with each other, and not have to deal with the stress of life for a day. They picked out a day that had good weather and they didn't have volleyball practice, that was roughly a week from then. They had a little bit of trouble figuring out how to buy tickets online, but eventually it was over with and they were ready. The only issue was: the day after they planned the trip, Hinata began getting headaches.

They didn't start out bad and Hinata just took some pain medication, drank some water and told Kageyama it was nothing. Kageyama was still worried, and he made it clear that if the headaches persisted, Hinata was visiting the doctor. Hinata's headache had worsened the next day, which he tried to hide from Kageyama, but Kageyama noticed he kept laying down and putting his head in his hands when he thought Kageyama wasn't looking. Kageyama made a call to Kuroo, because he still couldn't drive and he knew Kuroo would come if he could.

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