Chapter 9

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October 10th, 2019

"Mia," Alan whispered, sliding into his seat beside me. His face was strewn with remorse. "Hey," I turned to him, lifting my head slightly.

"Hi," I answered softly.

"I am so sorry for last night, I swear. You were never meant to ever witness something like that," I almost scoffed at him, for he had absolutely no idea just how much I'd actually witnessed in my own life already. I hadn't even seen much of what happened last night anyway. He and Neo had gone outside per Janie's orders. I'd heard shouting and arguing, but I'd refused to take even one glance at their fight.

"Please, Mia, I'm trying to..." he broke off, his voice faltering. He clenched his fist. "Apologise," he finished.

"It's fine,"

"Is it?" He leaned slightly closer, his eyebrows knit together.

"Alan," Ms Brill announced cheerfully. "Happy birthday!" Alan immediately scowled, his eyes darkening. He leaned back in his seat as I felt my entire body stiffen. Today was my birthday, not Alan's. It was my seventeenth birthday, something I apparently shared with Alan now too.

I turned to him, a soft smile on my face.

"Hey, happy birthday," I whispered. He crossed his arms.

"No, it isn't," he grumbled, putting his head down on the desk. I felt bad for him, how he disliked his birthday. At least I liked mine. We always found a way to make birthdays special, whether it was baking something nice or even just blowing out a candle.

I turned to keep my head down, scribbling down some notes in my journal. Alan nudged my arm.

"I'm sorry for snapping," he mumbled. "Today just isn't a happy day. My sister..." he trailed off. I glanced up at him, his green eyes cast downward in a desolate gaze. His eyes had dark circles underneath them and were rimmed with red like he'd been crying for a very long time.

"If it helps, today is my birthday too," I whispered, offering a small smile. His eyes widened in surprise as his head snapped up. A soft 'what?' escaped his lips.

"What a funny coincidence," I mused, turning back to my notes. Alan stiffened in his seat, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," he replied. "How funny,"


"Buon compleanno!" Javi sang softly, giggling. We were seated on the floor of our bedroom, a large cupcake in front of us. I'd bought one from the store on my way home from school, figuring it would be easier to hide from Ben than a whole batch of homemade ones.

A single white candle stuck out from the top, a flame dancing on its tip.

"Happy birthday to me," I whispered. I blew out the candle, making a wish to myself quietly. I split the cupcake in half, giving Javi his piece. He ate it quickly, frosting smeared across his lips.

I didn't need any fancy parties or presents or decorations. I had my family, and that's all that mattered.


Buon compleanno - happy birthday

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