Happy Birthday Harry!

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I uploaded the Louis one too so well, here's the Harry one I guess. Don't judge bc i have migraine and it's very hard to focus.
Also you don't have to read if you don't wanna.


Dear Harold,

I guess I'm just going to point out what I like about you as a way of saying happy birthday now even though you'll never read it :)

What makes me look up to you most is how generous and loving you are. Even when you're tired or you get followed around by fans or paps you never get rude (seriously I would have slapped them all if I got followed around like you) and no matter what time it is or where you've been coming from you take selfies with fans and make time so you can please everyone.

You care so much and so deeply about everyone around you and it is amazing to see that there humans of your generation who care about others and not only about themselves, it's amazing to see that fame hasn't got to your head and you're still down to earth and that's just so amazing to see.

Harry, you are such a great rolemodel and every young girl who looks up to you is lucky, very very lucky to look up to someone of such love, such gentleness. I'm proud to call you my rolemodel too.

I'm proud every single time I look at you. You have grown to be such a self-confident, inspirational and beautiful man and it's so nice to see that.

It's nice to see that you developed so much self confidence that you seem not to care about what people say about you.
"I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't care about what others thought....but I guess I'm just not" remember Harold? Now you are. You are a self confident young man who knows what he is capable of doing, who dresses like he wants to dress, who does what he wants to do.

You are beautiful. In every single way. (Words can't bring you dooown no-oh oh)

You have a beautiful voice, a beautiful face, beautiful legs, a beautiful stomach and chest, beautiful hair, beautiful eyes but what is way more important a beautiful inside.

Thanks for making me and everyone feel loved, needed and appreciated.

Thank you for making me smile and making me feel like one day I can over come everything that brings me down and be a shining self confident person who makes others happy.

My goal is to grow up and be like you, generous to everyone and making people happy.

I love you Harry.

Happy birthday x ~Hannah

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