Something Great

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A soft knock on Harry's door. 'Yes?' he asked.

He was already lying in his bed, but he didn't care. Only one of the boys could come in and they all knew him in every situation.

'It's me, Louis' came a silent voice from the door. Wait, silent and Louis?! Anyways Harry's heart started beating faster.

'Come in' he said, trying to sound cool while he could feel his hands getting sweaty.

Louis entered the room, a sheet of paper in his tiny hands. It was already ripped at the corners and it looked like he had made a ball out of it too often.

Harry patted to the bed next to him and the older boy sat down.

'Harry' he said, his voice trembling. He seemed so insecure and insecure Louis let Harry's heart melt. He bent toward the other boy and hesitated only for one second before he pulled him in a warm hug.

Louis was so tiny and Harry could feel his heart beat fast against his own.

'I have something for you..' Louis said while biting his lip. He handed Harry the sheet of paper and their hands touched longer than necessary.

Harry looked and on the sheet there were words written in Louis tiny and a little clumsy handwriting.

'I wrote it...I want you to sing it..' Louis looked up to Harry and then hid under his long lashes.

Harry's heart raced. He should sing in front of Louis? But Louis looked so lost and hopeful so he nodded nervously, knowing he couldn't say a single word.

'I'll give you the melody.' Louis started humming and pointed to a line.

'I want you here with how I pictured it..' he trailed off but Louis nodded slightly, squeezed his hand and continued humming. ' it to much to ask for something great' Harry went on quietly.

He looked at Louis questioning as the older boy whispered, tears in his eyes 'You're all I much it's're all I want...' but Harry stops him mid-sentence. He couldn't see the boy he fell in love with cry.

And it seemed like Harry's wildest dream came true and Louis loved him too.

So Harry cupped Louis small cheek with his big hand and pulled him into a soft kiss. First he could feel the older boy hesitate but then Louis gave in and slung his arms around Harry's neck while kissing him more forcefully.

'I wanted to tell you for so long...' Louis whispered after he pulled away. Harry laid one finger on Louis' lips. 'Me first' he said quietly.

And while looking in those beautiful blue eyes he fell for a year ago he said 'Louis.. i love you'

Louis bit his lip, his cheeks still redish from their passionate kiss. 'I hope I am not dreaming' Louis said 'But if I am, I want this dream to never end.'

The younger boy pulled him closer and laid on the bed. Louis rested his head on Harry's chest, he could feel his heart beating, calm and constantly.

Harry drew circles on Louis back with his big hands while Louis interwined his fingers in Harry's hair.

'Let me sleep with you tonight' Louis whispered softly. 'If you promise me to stay forever' Harry answered.

Louis kissed the back of Harry's hand and interwined his small fingers with the big ones of his best friend who was now his boyfriend.



A/N: awwww this one was always one of my faves! I know it's short but I still love it :)

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