Paris - City Of Love {mature content}

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"OH GOD WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO FRANCE OH GOD!" Niall skipped down the hallways of their management's building.

"It's really cool, but I'll miss Perrie a lot.." Zayn said. Louis laughed "Aww poor wittle Zayniie".

Zayn stared at Louis who had his arm around Harry's waist. "Easy to say for you, you two can't ever not touch each other huh?"

Harry giggled and kissed Louis. Liam laughed "Okay boys enough now. Important thing is: what are we going to take with us?"

Niall smacked Liam playfully "Don't be such a daddy Li! That's the very least I am thinking about!"

Louis laughed and leaned more into Harry. Harry laced his fingers with Louis'. "City of Love" he whispered for only Louis to hear.

"With the man I love" Louis whispered back and kissed the back of Harry's hand.

*on the plane to Paris*

"ONE HOUR TO GO ONE HOUR TO GOOO" Niall couldn't sit still anymore. Liam pressed him back into his seat. "Niall. Sit. Your. Ass. Down."

Harry giggled, his lips pressed onto Louis'. "Louis and Harry STOP. SNOGGING. ALREADY."

Liam had been acting like their dad the whole flight long. "But daddyyyy" Louis joked.

Harry giggled and kissed the soft skin behind Louis' ear. "One hour until we're in Paris sunshine" he grinned.

"I know, Niall tells us every two minutes Haz" Louis said and pressed his lips onto Harry's.

"Boys we should maybe sleep the last hour, all the paparazzi and fans will be there at the airport and I personally really don't wanna look like I haven't slept for hours...or like I spent a three hour flight SNOGGING."

Liam threw a warning gaze at Louis and Harry. "Okaaaaay" Niall and Zayn said at the same time.

"Sleep well baby" Louis kissed Harry's nose softly and rested his head on Harry's shoulder. "Good night my love" Harry muttered and placed his arm around Louis' shoulders. Louis nuzzled into Harry's neck and like that they fell asleep.

"Time to get up sunshine" Louis whispered into Harry's ear. Harry rubbed his eyes while Louis kissed his forehead.

"Come on, we should change before we get outta this plane" he smiled. "Sure" Harry answered, his voice still sleepy.

"Niall is in the bathroom right now but we are next" Louis kissed Harry's cheeks.

"Are the two lovebirds snogging again?" Liam asked teasingly. "Shut up Liam" Louis said automatically.

Niall, who had just returned from the bathroom laughed. Harry got up and dragged Louis along. "Let's go to the bathroom honey"

In the bathroom they both stripped down quickly. It was only a small room and their bodies where pressed to each other.

"Love ya" Harry smiled. "Love you too" Louis grinned and kissed Harry. He let his hands trail down Harry's body but Harry smacked them.

"Don't get nasty Lou! We're landing in 10min, not enough time for a quicky, plus you know Liam could tell" Louis pouted but got dressed. They both kissed passionatly before they went back to their seats for the landing.

When they had landed, Harry kissed Louis one last time. "See you at the hotel my boyfriend" Louis whispered. "I am not your boyfriend until we're at the hotel" Harry said sadly.

"I'll try to stay close to you babe" Louis smiled and kissed Harry's cheek. "STOP IT BOYS AND COME, NO FLIRTING FROM NOW ON!" Liam yelled from the other end of the gate.

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