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Contains self-harm.

Harry shut the door quietly, shivering as the pictures of last night came back to his mind.

Louis, sitting on the floor in their shared bathroom, a blade in his clenched fist, his bloodstained wrist and hips.

'Louis!' he had shouted and then the smaller boy had been in his arms, sobbing. After that Harry had cleaned his wounds up, trying not to hurt him, then he had looked for other scars. He had found a lot.

The pictures of Louis telling him about his depression and his insecurity forced tears into Harry's eyes.

And only then he had realized that it was missing. The spark and energy in Louis' eyes he fell in love with. Harry blamed himself for not recognizing.

Louis had gotten more quiet and serious plus he always wore long sleeves instead of the short sleeved tshirt he prefered before.

Harry hadn't want to leave him alone this morning, knowing about how bad he was. But he had to go and buy something for breakfast and maybe go to the pharmacie and buy pills that would possibly make Louis feel better.

Harry really didn't know how to help his boyfriend. He had felt so helpless yesterday when Louis told him how done he is, how much he'd want to die.

Harry's walk fastened. He tried to calm down, saying that Louis won't harm himself now he knew that Harry was there for him, but he didn't really believe that. Louis would do anything to die, he made that clear yesterday. Harry was really worried now, he nearly ran home.

He didn't want Louis to be depressed or suicidal. He had told him how much he loved and needed him, how much his family, the other boys and the fans loved and needed him. He had told him about all the beauty in this world. He had told him about how everything will get better from now on and how hurting himself would only make it worse but he could have told everything he wanted, Harry knew Louis was to deep into this, he didn't believe a single word.

'Boo I am back! Are you awake?' Harry shouted as he unlocked the door to their flat. He looked at his clock which told him that he had been gone for almost an hour.

Harry cursed himself for not being quicker. 'Louis? You okay?!' his breath and pulse fastened as he didn't get an answer.

He ran upstairs to their bedroom. Harry swung open the door and came to an abrupt halt. His face whitened. The bed was empty.

Harry couldn't move. Everything inside him screamed 'Louis Louis Louis'.

Harry took one deep breath and then it was as if it wasn't him to move but a robot.

He ran to the bathroom where he expected Louis to be, even though he had made him throw away his blade yesterday. Carefully but very fast he opened the door. What he found made him howl in horror. Louis was lying in the bathtube lifeless, a big knife still in his hand, and his whole naked body covered with blood.

Harry rushed over and tried to feel his boyfriend's pulse. He saw Louis' eyelids flutter.

'Louis oh fuck Louis talk to me give me a sign please' Harry whispered, his voice drowning in tears.

'Haz' Louis whispered barely hearable. Then he coughed and spit blood. Harry shoved his hands under Louis' small, bloody body and lifted him up carefully.

Louis flinched and Harry could see him swallow hard. He had to be in awful pain.

Trying not to hurt Louis, Harry ran down he stairs. He picked up a phone while he rested on the floor, Louis head in his lap. Louis breath went too slow.

'Here is Harry Styles I found my boyfriend covered with blood he is barely breathing' Harry talked to fast and he knew it but they just asked for his address.

'Louis honey they are coming they'll help you please stay with me, don't go' he sobbed, burying his head in Louis bloody chest. He could barely feel a heartbeat.

With what seemed like his last power, Louis lifted up his hand and stroke Harry's cheek.

'Don't cry my love....I'll watch you from above..' Louis breathed and then his hand fell down and he made his last breath, rattling in his chest.

'No' Harry said, the tears making it impossible for him to say more. He broke down on his boyfriends lifeless body and whispered 'I'll see you soon..I promise...wait for me my angel'



A/N: Oh my god I'm crying, I'm surprised you guys didn't kill me when I posted this!

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