Skinny Dipping In The Dark

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X-Factor days :)


Louis didn't feel the movement of his bunk-bed, didn't feel the shaking of it as someone climbed down and didn't feel when besaid someone put a hand on his arm, shaking him.

"Louis! Lou? Wake uuup!" The other person whispered, earning an angry groan from the sleeping boy, who turned around, his back now facing the other person.

"C'mooon! Louuuuiiiiis! Boo wake up!" The person said louder, shaking Louis' shoulder again.

If that didn't help he'd have to jump into the bed but then Louis would be even madder.


A bright smile lit up the other person's, Harold's, face. "2:34, exactly" he said proudly.

"This is no time to wake your poor sleeping friend up" Louis whined.

The word friend just escaped his lips like that, yes, they kissed before and yes, he liked the other boy in more than just a friend way but they haven't discussed it and 2:34 a.m. was definitely not the time to do so.

"C'mon boo, get up I got an idea!" The curly-haired boy exclamed, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Harrrrrryyyy it's night I should be sleeping"

"But I know you couldn't go back to sleep now anyways so grab some clothes and don't wake the other boys up!" Harry said with a cheeky smile. He knew he had won.

Louis groaned and then rolled out of bed. He was dressed as he, unlike Harry, never slept naked.

"Oh you're dressed" Harry said happily "Then we can go"

"I have no shoes!"

"Doesn't matter, c'mon!" The curly haired boy grabbed Louis' hand and dragged him along.

"Are we gonna sneak out?!" Louis breathed.

"Yep" Harry answered proudly. Usually it was Louis to make up sneaky plans.

"Alright curly what have you planned." Louis asked, stopping midtrack and spinning around, grabbing Harry's arms.

Damn that boy had a nice biceps.

"You'll see. It's a surprise!" Harry smiled.

Louis rolled his eyes. "You know I hate surprises, Hazza"

Harry giggled. Giggled. He literally giggled and in that moment Louis' heart jumped out of his chest and right into the younger boys hands.

Considering it, maybe it had been there all along.

"Louis? Just come please?" Harry asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Of course love" Louis answered, grabbing Harry's wrist and dragging him along out of the contestant's house.

Then he remembered he didn't even know where they were going.

"TO THE SEAAAAA" Harry grinned brightly, pointing to where he thought the sea was.

"First: the sea?!

And Second: the sea is that way" Louis said, pointing over to his left.

He couldn't stay serious for long though.

"Oh c'mon curly!" Louis grinned, poking Harry's cheeks, "Smile!"

Harry sighed and grinned, starting into a run to the sea.

Louis followed and as he was faster than Harry ran past him and soon they reached the beach.

Louis stopped midtrack, making Harry bump into him with all force and both of them falling into the still warm sand.

Harry was on top of Louis and for an awkward moment they stared at each other before Louis' hands flew up, cupping Harry's cheeks and pulling him down into a kiss.

Harry's eyes flew shut and he pressed his body closer to Louis', their lips moving along.

When he pulled away, looking down at Louis, his eyebrows were furrowed but in a nicely confused way.

The older boy had a slight smile on his lips and his cheeks were flushed.

When his eyes met Harry's his smile grew.

"What was that for?" The curly haired boy whispered. Anything but whispering felt inappropriate.



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Are you seriously asking me this right now? I mean you're two years older and you could have so much better than me and-"

Louis pressed his lips to Harry's firmly for a few seconds.

"Yes, Harry. I fell in love with you and your silly green eyes and your silly dorky smile and your silly silly silly laugh and I really want you to be my boyfriend"

Harry's eyes lit up as a smile exposed his dimples.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend"

Louis grinned, the skin by his eyes wrinkling.

"By the way, Curly, you're still uhm kinda on top of me"

Harry blushed and giggled, rolling off Louis. "Sorz"

"No worries love. So now what was your plan? I mean before you casually fell on me and became my boyfriend" Louis asked with a cheeky grin.

"Skinny dipping" Harry mumbled with a grin.

"Skinny dipping? Getting naked and swimming?" Louis asked, raising a single eyebrow.

"Uhm...yep. If you don't like it we can do-"

"I love the idea Harold. Just don't get distracted" the older boy smirked.

Harry blushed even more but Louis thought it was adorable.

He leaned in to kiss the younger boy and pulled his shirt over his head.

Harry's eyes widened as Louis poked his two extra nipples.

Louis just chuckled and pulled his own shirt over his head, then pulled his pants down and ran into the sea.

Harry only caught a short look of Louis' bum but damn, that was a fine look.

"Harold?! C'mon, join me!" Louis shouted.

Harry quickly got undressed and ran into the sea, splashing water at Louis.

"You're a dork" Louis said with a huge smile.

"But you love it" Harry answered, grabbing Louis' hand.


A/N: wey heeeey skinny dipping
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All the love x -H

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