Chapter 14

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Nneka's house

1:15 pm

As Nneka was watching tv, She was also peacefully laying down on the new red big sofa Michael brought for her. After the fact, Michael publicly denied her, She thought her life was over. She couldn't raise a baby on her own because she no longer stripped. While relaxing on the sofa, Nneka heard the buzz of her phone. She checked the caller id to see that it was ... Tony.

She couldn't believe her eyes. Tony was the last person she wanted to hear from. Although she knew he would find out , she didn't think he would so quickly nor did she also think it would result in him shooting her.

She debated whether she should pick up the call but she did anyways to find out what he wanted.


"Nneka is that you?"

"Obviously.. Look if you are calling to insult me I get it. I'm a hoe and a home wrecker. And what else a stripper?"

"Nneka my darling chill please can we talk? Where do you stay?"

"So you can come and shoot me again?"

Tony sighed. He knew it was diffcult to Nneka but he looked past it.

"No defintely not. I just want to see you so we talk about everything. I am sorry. I want to be there for you."

Nneka debated whether she should allow him to come over. Although he did indeed shoot her, She did deep down love him. They were just starting to get serious but Nneka always wondered who spilled the beans to him.

"Fine, Be fast though because I was about ready to to go get dressed. Mia, My baby daddy's wife is coming to pick me up."


"Yes.. Long story. Come quick."

"Okay.. Text me the address"

"No problem."

*10 minutes later*

Nneka while watching her favorite show Love & Hip Hop heard a knock on the door. She knew it was Tony because she told him to come quick. Nneka looked through peep hole to find out, it was actually Tony for sure. Nneka then opened the door slowly because she only prayed he was up to something good.

"Come on Nneka... I'm clean. Don't worry."

Nneka then opened the door wider for him to come in since he assured her he wasnt going to harm her.

"Have a seat." Replied Nneka pointing towards the green arm rest chair seated against the beige wall.

"Thanks." Tony then made his way to the seat.

"So what would you like to drink?"

"Dont worry about. That isnt important right now."

"Okay.. So what's up?"

"You know I love you right?"

Nneka sighed. She knew he did deep down.

"Yes... Yes I do."

"I know what I did to you was wrong. I know and I pray to God all mighty that you forgive me. I regret the day I raised that gun to you. That's not what people in love do.. But you did hurt me."

"Tony.. You have to understand that I got pregnant before I even knew you before we met in the club that day."

"Yes I know but you should of least told me. Thats not something you hide. Where you waiting for the child to be born before you told me?"

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