Chapter 16

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Michelle's house

4:56 pm

As soon as Iyobosa came home from visiting her cousin at the prison cell, she began to pack for her trip back to Nigeria. After all she has been through, she felt like it was right that she returned home.

She lost her friend. She lost her boyfriend. She lost her job & since she couldn't afford her school fees anymore, She lost out on college. And to top it all out, She was pregnant and slowly recovering from Chylamdia. Having a STD while pregnant was risky but she dealt with it. She knew God had her back and will never leave her.

"How was it?"

Iyobosa knew that was the voice of Michelle. Iyobosa dropped the last items that she was about to put into her Louis luggage on the bed and began to face Michelle.

Michelle walked over to Iyobosa because she noticed Iyobosa's red eyes.

"Iyobosa. Calm down. You're pregnant. All this stress isn't good enough for the baby you know. You are due in a few months. Just continue to be strong for me."

Iyobosa slowly looked up to Michelle's face. She knew her friend was right. All this stress will affect the baby. She defintely didn't want that to happen. Her baby was partically all she had now.

"Now tell me what happened?"

"Osa ... Osa is spending life in prison. Nneka & Mia are dead. Like my life is finished. What will I tell our mother back home in Nigeria.. What will I tell her?"

"Come on girl... Don't worry. God has your back. Just relax. Everything will be fine. Trust me. Okay?"

Iyobosa then began to shake her head "yes" . Although she only knew Michelle for a short period of time, She was now another sister to her. After all Nneka was dead now .. She didn't have anyone else.

"Now finish packing your bags. Your flight is real early in the morning."

After the talk, Iyobosa then gave Michelle a hug and thanked her.


The next day

5:45 a.m

As Iyobosa was straigthening her hair, She heard the doorbell ring. She wondered who it was but she concluded it could be Tony. Tony and Iyobosa have became close. Tony was quite sad Iyobosa was leaving but he knew it was for her own good.

Iyobosa walked quickly to the door, checked the window and saw that it was really Tony.

"Good Morning." smiled Iyobosa.

"Good Morning. May I come in?" replied Tony.

"Of course." Iyobosa then began to open the door wider for him.

"Have a seat for a few minutes.. I have to go get my luggage and finish my hair. Make yourself at home though."

"No wahala."

Tony then made his way to the gray love sofa, picked up the remote and flipped to On Demand. He knew it was too early and all his shows wouldn't be on.

After about 35 minutes of packing her bags , fixing her hair and praying, Iyobosa was set to be on her way to the airport.

"I'm done!" shouted Iyobosa as she was making her way down the steps.

"About time. You want to be late abi?"

"No.. You kno say I am a girl.. Girls take forever to get dressed."

"True... Nnek... Never mind." Tony began to get sad but he quickly shrugged it off not to show his emotion to Iyobosa.

"It's okay ... I know it hurts. God got our backs you heard?"

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