Chapter Three

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10:27 p.m

While Nneka and Osa were at the club, Iyobosa was at home studying for her upcoming finals waiting patiently for her boyfriend Michael to come. Michael promised to come and see her that night. She was happy to see him on a daily basis. He often made her day with his sweet and kind words and the thoughtful presents.

Recently Iyobosa been lacking in her bills. Michael hasnt given her money at all. He pretty much has been avoiding her. He's been acting strange and Iyobosa didn't know why. Iyobosa though searched for a new job but she couldnt find one just yet.

Michael then began to knock on the door. Iyobosa quickly opened it. Michael had this type of look to him that it is something he probably wanted to tell Iyobosa. Michael looked confused, sick and haunted as he was walking through the door towards the sofa.

"Hey, Iyo I need to tell you something,We need to talk about us" said Michael.

Iyobosa looked at him still standing by the door and said ," What possibly could be the problem,"

Michael hestitated , he didnt know how to tell Iyobosa.

" Well, I have made a big mistake of my life," said Michael.

After that statement Iyobosa took a seat and started to take more interest in what he had to say,"Continue, im listening" Iyobosa saw that Michael was sweating hard and shivering.

" I cheated on you. I ... I got another girl pregnant ...... Im sorry . Im telling her to abort but she is not listening. I love you and only you."

After hearing that Iyobosa started to drop down on the ground and started to cry. She thought Michael was joking but he had such a serious look on his face that she knew he was telling the truth.

Iyobosa didn't know what to do. Michael then tried to comfort Iyobosa but she nudged him off.

"Get out of my house and leave me the fuck alone,"

Iyobosa kicked him with both of her legs while she was still seated on the ground. She just wanted him out of her sight. She couldn't stand the fact Michael had the nerve to stand in her face and tell her that he got another lady pregnant. Who was this bitch? Iyobosa wanted to know so bad. Michael hit her back, the pain that she inflicted in his leg irriated him. Iyobosa fought back . Michael pushed her back on the couch . He then opened the door and left. In actuality, He could care less if Iyobosa dumped him or not. He was a DJ he could get all the girls he wanted.

She couldnt believe this was happening to her. At this point she didnt know what to do , either to leave him or to stay. She needed him to be able to support her emotionally and physically but he did hurt her physically and emotionally which was ironic. Iyobosa loved him so much though. This was defintely hard on her part. All these thoughts of what to do were racing through Iyobosa's mind. School was already stressing her out . Iyobosa just continued to sit there and cry her eyes out.


Meanwhile, Nneka and Osa were at the club turning up and having all types of fun. Mingling with the rich men and pushing away the old thirsty ones. Nneka and Osa danced and danced together for a long time until a nice, tall light skin guy that looked like we was probably Puetro Rican came near them. He started to dance on his own and Nneka and Osa just continued dancing not even noticing him. Finally he spoke up and said

"Hello beautiful ladies," Nneka and Osa then turned to see this handsome guy they were impressed on what they saw. They both waved and said


The mysterious guy winked and then continued to say ," Would you guys like to go home with me tonight like I can treat you both to a nice dinner," said the guy. Nneka and Osa both looked at each and thought.

"What type of dinner," said Nneka

The mysterious guy laughed and then responded and said , " Anything yall want," Italian food, Nigerian food . What so ever pleases you, im cool with it.

Osa then poked Nneka and said ," Lets do it," Then Nneka shook her head and then responded to the guy and said ," Ok that will be fine," said Nneka.

The guy then smiled and gestured the girls to follow him. They went outside. Suddenly someone was approaching all three of them calling Osa's name,

"Osa Osa Osa,"

Osa and Nneka kept walking pretending to not hear the voice. Finally the person grabbed on to Osa's arm,

" So this what you do Osa," said Alex,Osa's Boyfriend.

Osa punched his hand off her arm. "What do you want , I am having fun as you can see," said Osa.

 "Look they treat me better, you aint shit," continued Osa.

Alex just shook his head and asked " What did I do to deserve this ,I buy you everything you want. I treat you better then I treat my mom yet you are here at the club being a hoe,"

Osa laughed and responded by saying " I really dont have your time,"

Osa and Nneka then left. Nneka started to laugh out loud.

Then Osa responded and said ," What are you laughing at you Fool, " Nneka said

"This fool think people are ready to be committed to him, What a fool indeed, Let's not even worry about that,"

Tony was waiting by his car for the girls to come.

Tony asked "What happened?"

Osa looked at Nneka and then Osa looked at Tony and sighed.

" Oh nothing really, he was just an old friend of mines. Thats it," said Osa.

Tony looked at Osa and responded ,"I hope everything is alright,"

Osa nodded.

"Can we go and eat now," said Nneka. All three of them laughed and then proceeded to Tony's car.

9:53 pm

Tony drove all the way to this fancy restaurant called David's . It was a Italian & Nigerian combined restaurant in which his Half Italian and Half Igbo mother owned. Tony drove up to the parking lot,

"Well ladies we are here," said Tony.

They got down from the car and went into the restaurant. They waited till the waitress seated them and then they proceeded to a nice big table.

" Well this is nice," said Osa.

Tony smiled and then replied:

"Yeah its my mother's restaurant. Im half Italian & Half Igbo .. Nigerian you know.. Well ladies lets have a seat and let us get to know each other" The ladies then both took a seat .

"So, you do you all mind telling me about yourself,"

Osa glanced up from looking at the menu and then thought about it.

"Well....Im a college student majoring in radiology. I live with my cousin Iyobosa and My friend right here Nneka.

Tony then looked at Nneka and waited for her to talk also.

"Well unlike Osa , im not yet attending College, Therefore my parents disowned me now i can't really support myself," said Nneka.

Tony then became interested. "Well do you work at least" said Tony

"No i dont work . At the moment I'm looking for a job though," said Nneka.

Tony then sighed & then reached into his pocket.

"Heres my business card, when you ready to work, you can call me anytime. Understood?"

Nneka reached for the card & responded by saying , "Thank You, What kind of work is it though,"

Tony laughed ,"Dont worry whenever you decide to work, you'll see the how the work is,"

Nneka then nodded and they continued to talk amongst themselves.

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