Request: why is drunk bad

38 1 6

Requested by @TanoReborn, hope you like it

the Bar 79's was packed with Clones, of course. at the Bar, drinking shots was the iconic Clone Trio, Fives, Echo and Roland (Roland is one of my OC's wanted to add him). all 3 of them were having a drinking contest when a 19 year old Togruta Female with Purple Skin, White and Green Lekku and Montrals walks in. she had 4 Lekku instead of 3, which was a rarity for her species. Roland is the first to notice her

Roland: AY! AY IS UH, what's her face um...

Echo: its Natalie Man Y u stoopid?




Fives: both a you shut ur mouths

Natalie walks over to the 3 Clones. just as she does, Roland and Echo start fighting

Fives: those bloody

Natalie: Fives why are you drinking again?

Fives: It- Iz funz

Natalie: its bad tho

Fives: why is drunk bad

Natalie: I... Actually don't know. Mum always said it was bad but never said why

Fives: well let me show y it good sit down I get u drink

Natalie shrugs and sits down as Fives orders her a drink

Natalie shrugs and sits down as Fives orders her a drink

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Fives: and THAT Is Why YoU WanNA DrUNk oftEN

Natalie: I- I- I- I sEE. fUNz

Fives: hey wo- WoULd'nT it be lIKe... CrAZy if we MAde out RiGHt Now?

Natalie: YEah that- tha- that would be InSANE

Fives: sh-sh-should WE?

Natalie: yeah lez- lez do it

Fives and Natalie then get into an insanely drunk make out session. true fact is, they both secretly harbored feelings for each other, but never admitted it. now the drunkenness was getting it out of em. while they were kissing sloppily, some random dude walked in with a blaster. he walked up to the bar and aimed it at the bartender


he was cut off by a bullet flying into his head. he then drops dead and Fiend is standing there. he looks at the reader, or more specifically, TanoReborn

Fiend: yes I'm here. why? cuz I wanna be

he then sees Natalie and Fives making out

Fiend: ah. I need to make a call

he then pulls out his phone and calls someone

Fiend: Ahsoka? yeah is me. Natalie and Fives are drunk. yes they're making out. bring them back? yes ma'am

he hands up and picks up the drunken peoples. Natalie and Fives are so into it, they don't even notice

 Natalie and Fives are so into it, they don't even notice

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Natalie and Fives both wake up in different chairs. standing over them is Ahsoka. Natalie grabs her head

Natalie: ugh... what happened?

Ahsoka: you both got drunk and started kissing at 79's

both of their faces turn red at the mention of "kissing". Ahsoka, noticing this chuckled

Ahsoka: alright I'm off. have fun lovebirds

she then walks out of the room laughing. Natalie and Fives look at each other

Fives: so... you?

Natalie: yeah... you?

Fives: for awhile now, yeah

both of them look down. Natalie then looks back over at Fives

Natalie: you know... we could always continue where we left off

Fives looks at Natalie, before smiling

Fives: ladies first-

Natalie cuts him off by smashing her lips onto his. they then get into a proper make out session, with Echo and Roland in the background, recording the whole thing

Roland: this is priceless

Echo: I'm gunna put it on the Holo-Net when we're done

Roland: do it

Echo: I will

Natalie: ehem

Roland and Echo look at Natalie and Fives, who both held DC-17's in their hands, aimed at the 2 Mischievous Clones

Roland: welp. we're dead

Echo: it was nice knowing you Roland

Echo then runs off, leaving Roland standing there

Roland: why you little! GET BACK HERE!!!

Roland chases after him. Natalie and Fives look at each other

Natalie: first date, chasing troublemakers

Fives: sounds like fun

Natalie then runs after Roland, with Fives hot on her Lekku (because they are head tails. bad pun I know)

well. that was interesting. 1 word to sum this up? Randomness

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