Fiend is Dead

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if its for some reason not obvious, this is a remake of "Heavy is Dead" by Antoine Delak

Fiend skips out of a building

Fiend: ya da ya ladada

he then gets infront of the camera


he then gets shot in the head. the camera then cuts to Makun 'Madukam holding a Plasma Pistol

Makun: POW! you are dead

Fiend: I'M DEAD

Makun looks over Fiend's dead body grinning (wait.... can Elites even grin?)

Makun: hehehehehehe

Ahsoka then dances over

Makun: aw shucks

Makun throws away the Plasma Pistol as Ahsoka gasps at Fiend's corpse

Ahsoka: Fiend is dead?

Fiend: yes. I AM DEAD

Ahsoka: why is Fiend dead?

Makun: I don't know

Fiend: I think it wa-

Makun and Ahsoka: SHHH! YOU ARE DEAD!!

Fiend: ok

Fiend then slams into the ground a bunch. a car then pulls up and TanoReborn jumps out of it

TanoReborn: whats up ya wankers!? who's up for a-

they then see the corpse

TanoReborn: AH! what the bloody hell just happened?

Ahsoka and Makun: Fiend is dead

TanoReborn: Fiend is dead!?

Ahsoka: correct!

TanoReborn then does an open mouth smile. the scene then cuts to Ahsoka playing detective, while TanoReborn and Makun are looking at the corpse

Ahsoka: SO! did you see the murderer?

Makun: no, sorry man

TanoReborn: no, sorry mate

Ahsoka then slams the table

Ahsoka: I will FIND him. I will CAPTURE him. and NO-ONE will ever die again!

Makun and TanoReborn clap

TanoReborn: ah, well thats nice

Makun: I am DAMN proud right now

we then cut to Sarge who was here aswell for some reason


he then runs over to Ahsoka leaning over a bathtub (said bathtub having Fiend's corpse in it), with TanoReborn and Makun acting as statues in the background

Sarge: Fiend is dead!

Ahsoka: we know!

Sarge: who killed him?

Ahsoka: we don't know!


Sarge then sniffs the ground comes across the Plasma Pistol

Sarge: whats that!?

he grabs it

Sarge: A WEAPON!?

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