Special Christmas Chapter

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Merry Christmas everyone!

2020 is a real let down of a year, H O W E V E R, we are N O T going to let that spoil our Christmas.

So I have a special Chapter for you guys! A one-shot!


Natsu's Pov

"Luce cmon, hurry up." She wasn't the same today. Today she smelled my peppermint and she was all dressed up in a white skirt and a red sweater. Her hair curled and she was wearing thigh-length boots. "Why are you so dressed up?" 

"You are so stupid Natsu, don't you know what today is?" 

I gave her a confused look. What was today?

She sighed and left her apartment, so I followed her until we got to the guildhall. 

Lucy's Pov

"Hey, Mira!" I called as I walked into the guild and over to the bar. 

"Hey, Lucy, Anything I can get for you?"

"A hot cocoa would be nice, I heard from a little blue cat that it was going to snow tonight," I replied as Mira placed a mug in front of me as I sat down.

"Perfect weather for Christmas eve, don't cha think?" Mira said serving some other guild members.

I lifted my mug to take a sip when a certain flame mage jumped scared me, causing me to spill the boiling hot cocoa all over myself, causing me to scream.

"It burns!  I'm going to kill you!" I screamed as tears slipped from my eyes while I tried to clean up all the excess. 

"Luce I'm sorry," Natsu hung his head not knowing what to do.

"Mira, can I get a new cocoa?" She immediately nodded and got me a new one. 

It burned, it felt like my body was on fire but I tried to grit my teeth and get over it. 

"Are you sure you're okay Lucy?" Mira asked.

"I'm alright Mira," It was an obvious lie but they seemed to believe it.

Soon after Erza walked into the guild when she saw me she walked over to me and said: "Lucy, I'm glad to see you here, I had an idea!" That's never good but okay. "We should play Master like we did last Christmas, we can get everyone together," Her eyes sparkled, no way I could say no to that. 

"Last year was torture Erza," Natsu butt in before I could even say anything. "No way!" 

"Fine, you don't have to join, do hows about it, Lucy?" How was I to resist, may have been bad but it was still fun for what it was. 

"Alright, I'm in," I said confidently. 

"Whaatttt? You're just going to let her abuse you like she did last year." I just nodded and drank my new cocoa. 

He continued to complain, whine, and scream, but I didn't actually care very much for it. Eventually, Erza went around and asked a bunch of other people if they were in most of them said yes until it came back down to Natsu. 

Natsu's Pov

I honestly couldn't believe Lucy would agree to Erza's torture game but I didn't want to leave her alone so I decided to join in. 

5 Minutes Later

I was chowing down on my chicken leg when Lucy stood up to go somewhere. It was obvious she was in pain. 

"Lucy?" I was hesitant to ask.

"I'll be right back," She just smiled that smile of hers and walked away. 

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