2 ~ The Past and The Truth

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(this is like a flashback chapter 1 to 2 months after Lucy left)

Lucy's Pov 

It has been officially been a month since I left and I had decided to go find a town and maybe take a small job so I could buy some food and toiletries. 

It took me a while to get to town and it made me realize how grateful I was that I had packed most of my stuff and plenty of food to last me that long. 

When I arrived at the town I found quick work that got me plenty of jewels and then went to the shops. I bought plenty of food, things I couldn't get in the forest myself, and I also got myself some shampoo and lotions. 

Everything was going smoothly until I heard a voice that was like bitter plums or lemons that were too sour. Followed by the familiar smooth voice of my ex-best friend. 

I hid in the shadow of an alley pulling my hood over my head and holding the bags up to my face.

Natsu's Pov

I and Lisanna were passing through a small town on the way back from our job. She of course was nagging me the entire time as she does every time. 

"Natsu did you hear what I s-" I cut her off with. 

"Wait one sec I am going to go get some food." Trying to get away from her. 

"Let me come wi-" Before she finished what she said I hurried away so she couldn't see me. 

In the corner of my eye, I could see bright blonde hair swaying in the gentle breeze attached to a girl carrying bags and running. She reminded me so much of Lucy but before my eyes could follow her she was gone. 

'Whatever...' I told myself trying to brush off the feeling of missing my best friend. 

-One Month Later- 

(I'm actually quoting the story so-- haha) 

Third Person Pov

The Master had returned and was talking with the guild about why Lucy had left.

"She punched Lisanna!" Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs at the Master's question. 

There was a lot of commotion after Natsu's outburst and many people were yelling about what Lucy did wrong until Gray had made everyone quiet. 

"Then, did you witness it?" 

The silence in the guild was uncomfortable for everyone. 

"Lisanna said so and I believe her, she wouldn't lie to us," Natsu said which made Lisanna have a pained look on her face. "Right Lisanna?" 

She fiddled with her fingers and she stood with her legs crossed looking at the ground. "It was all a lie!" She shouted to start, "I'm sorry. I lied, I lied to all of you, Lucy never hit me, she didn't do anything to me. I made it all up," pausing she looked up at the pink-haired mage, "So that I could have Natsu." 

"What did you just say Lisanna." Natsu's voice deepened and got louder, "Tell me that you are joking." He was beginning to tear up but refused to let the tears fall. 

"It's the truth," Lisanna said and she looked back towards the ground. 

Natsu stood abruptly making his seat fall to the ground and stormed out of the guild. The truth now being out the regret started to sink into everyone, they chased their dear Nakama out of the guild. 

Lucy's Pov 

-6 Months Later- 

After that incident, I was careful about going back to town and only went once every 2 months. I did a lot of training in the water with Aquarius so she stayed decently clean. Virgo had brought her many outfits from the celestial world when her clothes ripped from her intense exercise. 

I almost mastered my star dresses which meant they would teach me combination dresses. 

Natsu's Pov 

-5 Months Prior- 

The words she lied echoed throughout my mind. Consistently reminding me I betrayed my best friend who was both loyal and kind. 

I was never wrong about her being weak but I never should have said that. I had broken up with her after she told us the truth but she still stuck to me like glue. 

Juvia and Gray were the only ones that believed Lucy and I feel like a monster. I just wanted her back so every chance I could go on a job without Lisanna I went looking for her, I never got results and it was always a waste of time.

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