9 ~ Job Request (Also an A/N

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-The Next Morning- 

Third Person Pov

Natsu had shown up to the guild extra early that day so he could go on a job with Lucy. 

"What's gotten into you Natsu?" Mira cheered as he took a seat at the bar. 

"Well, I'm planning on going on a job with Lucy today," Natsu said as Mira served him a turkey leg. 

About an hour later Lucy walked into the guildhall and smiled at Natsu as she walked over. 

"Wanna go on a job, Lucy?" She nodded and then looked over to Mira as she took a seat. 

"Well here's your milkshake Lucy, and when did you two make up?" Mira said serving a few others. 

Lucy took a sip of her milkshake and then replied, "Last night."

Natsu had finished up his food and stood up heading over to the request board. He picked one out and walked back over to a certain blonde mage showing it to her. 

"This will cover your rent and give us plenty extra." 

"Cool, what's the job?" Lucy asked. 

"Well, basically we have to catch a water monster and take it away from the village it's been terrorizing." Natsu cheered which is when a certain white-haired mage walked into the guild.

She walked up the Natsu and Lucy and glared at Lucy, quickly after giving Natsu a sweet sickening smile. "Natsuuuu, please go on a job with me," she pleaded. 

"Sorry I already got one I'm going on." Natsu then grabbed Lucy's arm and ran out of the guild waving the flier at Mira and grinning ear to ear. 

Natsu's Pov

I got away from Lisanna, Lucy forgave me and now she's going on a job with me, the sun is shining and everything seems good. 

"Okay okay, you can let go of my arm now you're gripping it too tight." 

"O-oh sorry..." I looked down letting go of her arm. 

With a smack to the back of my head, Lucy got me to look at her. She was smiling and then said, "Don't overthink, I'm not mad." 

When we arrived at the town which wasn't far off we met with the mayor and got to quick work. 

"Let's go over the plan one more time," Lucy said. 


"So, I find and trap the monster and you get it out of the water by boiling it. Then we can bring it somewhere that it won't torment anyone. Got it?" I nodded at her and then we got to work. 

5 Hours Later

"Natsu stop that hurts." I sighed and finished patching up her arm. "This wouldn't have happened if you were more patient." 

"I know, I said I was sorry, Luce." 

4 Hours Prior

Third Person Pov

Lucy was currently in her Aquarius star dress swimming around the small lake looking for where the monster would be hiding. 

When she found it to lure the monster she attacked it with Aquarius' urn. It definitely worked because the next thing she knew she was being chased around the Lake. Natsu posted on a small cliff that stood above the Lake ready to use his fire to start heating the water. 

"I found it!!" Lucy screamed to Natsu. 

Thinking that was his queue, he began to boil the water with Lucy still in it. Her skin burned and she just barely got out of the water before it got too bad. Changing into her Virgo star dress and dug a canal for the monster to swim through to get somewhere better for it. 

Once the monster had gone through she filled in the canal and then went to Natsu whining in pain. 

"I didn't mean for you to boil me too." She said pouting and Natsu apologized. 

They walked back towards the main area of town and got their pay. Natsu bought some medicine to put on Lucy's skin. 

She was able to put on most of it but Natsu put the rest on where she couldn't reach of course he complained the whole time but he knew since he hurt her he had to. 

Present Time

"Ow ow ow, Natsuuu that hurts." 

"I know I'm almost done just give me a moment," Natsu said causing her to be quiet earning a comfortable silence.

"This is weird," She broke the silence. 

"What is?" He asked. 

"This, just being around you again, or even going on jobs with people. I was barely able to get used to being around people again." 

"Well, I just want us to be as close as we were before, I guess it will take a while," Natsu said sighing again. 

That's when they heard a scream coming from somewhere in town and stood to run towards the outcry. 


You all are absolutely insane, We're at 300 reads? That's 50 more reads in just one day. Moving on thank you for voting I appreciate it. 

Since the story is going to be over soon is there anything you want to see before it ends? More jobs? More Nalu moment? It's all up to you, thanks for reading please comment or send me a message on what you wanna see. 


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