4~ The Guild Hall

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Lucy's Pov(As Expected)

I stepped out of the bath feeling pretty good unknowing that would all change in a matter of an hour. I got dressed and attached grabbed my keys. Throwing my hair up in a ponytail after drying it. 

"Its now or never," Trying to convince myself everything would be okay and if it wasn't that I could go back to my safe place in the forest. 

Stepping out of my apartment I walked toward the river and stood on the ledge. 

"Lucy, We haven't saw you in years, how have you been." I heard familiar voice call out.

"I've been good thanks, still taking your everyday route after all this time huh?"

"Yeah, Well we gotta go, hope to see you around and be careful you might fall in!" The voice faded away.

'Maybe things wont be so bad.' I thought to myself

I walked up to the guild and it was quiet, almost to quiet. It freaked me out but I had to be strong. So slightly pushing open the door until I could slip through I walked in and headed straight for the counter where I hoped I would see a familiar face.

Taking a seat I tightened my ponytail and waited until the perfect time to go to the Masters office. When I thought I had calmed myself enough I stood up and headed up the stairs. 

Putting my fears aside, I pushed open the door to the Master's office. 

"How can I help yo-" Looking up from his work his eyes widened. "Lucy?"  He said practically jumping onto his desk to hug me. 

We had a short conversation and then walked out but not before he moved my guildmark back to my hand, but this time in Yellow to represent how strong I had become with my spirits. 

"Hey, brats! Listen Up! Lucy's back, if I hear of one of you saying any of your shit, I'll personally punish you." 

Everyone looked at me like I was a ghost. It was almost terrifying how they all crowded me. Question and question piled on, as well as apologies until one person pulled me to the side to explain what Lisanna had done, even though I already knew. 

"It's okay guys, I forgive you." It wasn't ever their fault, It was Lisanna, it was always Lisanna. 

Gray's Pov 

When master announced Lucy's return, I could tell we were all shocked, she came home even after all we did and said to her. It finally felt like people's true smiles finally came out again, and they all began to crowd her.

"Lucy?" I asked walking up to her.

"Hi Gray," Lucy smiled.

"You're back" I gave her a quick hug before grabbing her shoulders. "Where were you for 3 years? What did you do? Are you okay? Why did you come back after all they did?" 

"Well first off I found my own space. I took time to train and recollect myself, I was never the strongest and did something about it." She gave us a smile and then continued, "Secondly I am okay actually I'm great, I was terrified you guys wouldn't want me back. Lastly I missed you guys, I couldn't just keep hiding so... here I am."

3 Hours Later

Natsu's Pov

Lisanna and I returned from our job. It was a simple job so It didn't take long. She practically had to drag me back since I was so tired. Not because of the job but because of her. I stopped just outside the guildhall, and Lisanna before walking in looked back at me. 

"Natsu, are you okay? Maybe I should get you some wate-" 

"I don't want to go on anymore jobs with you!" I quickly shouted. "In fact nobody does, why do you think everyone avoids jobs with us. We are tired of you, ever since you came back you have been a pain. You hurt Lucy, betrayed us, and have been driving everyone insane."

She came over to me and tried to grab my hand but shaking her off I decided to go home instead of going back into the guild.

Gray's Pov

We could hear some ruckus outside the guildhall so I went to check it out. 

I pushed the door slightly open to see what was happening and saw none other than Natsu and Lisanna. 

I only heard a bit of what Natsu said before I decided to head back inside. Pulling my squeaky chair out once more to sit and finish my meal. Juvia sat beside me and invited Lucy over for something to eat.

It's Not Your Fault NatsuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz