3 ~ Train

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Lucy's Pov

-2 Years and 9 Months After Leaving Fairy Tail-

It had almost been 3 years and I spent every minute working on myself. My hair went down to the middle of my back, I was now 162cm (5'4), and my skin was now a gentle olive color, unlike my original pale skin.

"Princess?" There was a voice coming up from behind me. 

"Ah, yes?" I quickly turned around to look at Virgo.

"Well, you finished your training. All of us think maybe it's time for you to go home?" I quickly shook my head. 

"What if they still hate me?" I was too scared to go home but her words left a lingering feeling in my gut.

Natsu's Pov

Sitting in the Guild felt like a Job in itself. Lisanna in her endless rants, Nab just sitting at the request board, Mira drying cups, Levy reading, while Jet admired her and Droy, ate his turkey Leg.

"Hey Flame Freak, C'mon let's go on a job." It was clear Gray was also tired of Lisanna.

"Yeah sure," Lisanna called out, she stood up and started toward the request board, pushing Nab aside to look for a good job. "How about this one?"

Always inviting herself. She's been trying to get back on everyone's good side since she made Lucy leave. After all, it was almost 3 years ago, 3 long years.

"Actually, I think Juvia is calling me," Gray said trying to get out of a Job with Lisanna.

"Alright! It'll just me and Natsu then," Lisanna replied grabbing my arm and waving the flier at Mira as we left the guild.

Lucy's Pov

What Virgo said left me wondering, maybe they would want me home? Did they miss me? I was so busy training I had forgotten how badly I missed them.

After a day of contemplating it, I decided I would go home. I spent the day packing up my stuff, leaving the beautiful field that I spent so long in felt so difficult. Every day I trained in this forest that I was pretty sure there was remaining mana and the once natural field was now filled with magic. 

Thus began my long journey home. Walking through the forest I headed straight for the town hoping they might have had a train, I had never wanted to go home before so I never went past the shopping district of town, luckily they did. 

Taking my seat I listened to the train whistle blow as they started moving. I watched the window the entire time until I found myself in Hargeon and decided to take a walk until the next train came.

-Mini Time Skip-

I made it back to magnolia and it was the same as I left it. However, when I got back to my old apartment it took a hell of a lot of work to convince the landlady to give me my old apartment. 

"I thought when I got here I would be happy to be home but this doesn't feel right," I quietly said to myself as I set my bag onto the bed, all the furniture was gone and it looked like she was about to sell it. "Maybe when I set everything up It'll feel like home." 

I had done a bit of work on my apartment and then decided to take a bath. This bath might be the thing I missed the most.


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