1 ~ Let's Start Over

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Note: ill be honest I have no idea where the original author is going with this Natsu hating lucy so I'm just gonna change that a bit.

Lucy's Pov

It's not their fault, they were right I was weak, for the longest time they protected me while I hid behind my spirits but, I can't do that anymore. 

I walked through the eerie forest alone wishing they would realize the truth hoping I wouldn't have to undergo all this work yet something in me told me I had to. My feet brought me towards a beautiful open little field in the middle of the forest. 

The field was lush and looked untouched by any monster or mage. Walking more in I could hear the calming sounds of flowing water indicating that there was a stream somewhere here. Stepping up the small rocks I found the source of the noise. 

The sun shined down on my pale skin which made it look as if it was illuminant, the flowers all stood tall none wilting the grass was green and everything was perfect. 

On top of all of that, there was nobody here, not a soul to interrupt me or cause problems, that's when I decided this is where I was going to stay. 

"Well then, this is my chance, let's start over, shall we?," I said as I called as I reached for my keys so I could come up with a plan with them.

Levy's Pov 

I could barely believe anything Lisanna said but she had just gotten home and had no reason to hate Lucy which is how I knew she was being honest. 

However, having Lucy gone was hard and I spent all my time reading to distract myself from the friend that we had to kick my best friend out of the guild. 

"Where did she go?" I could hear a voice say as the doors opened. It was Gray and Juvia they were back from their daily search for their dear friend. 

"We'll find her, hopefully. Natsu wasn't wrong when he said she was weak. Her magic was never as powerful as the others in the team, but she was the strongest person I had ever met."  Gray had to say quietly so he didn't get attacked by everyone in the guild who resented her. 

"Maybe we shouldn't find her then... She left for a reason, right? She wants to train and become stronger. We should give her that chance. I am not saying I won't miss her but this will be good for her." Juvia said as they took their regular seats at the bar. 

I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation because I tuned it out by my book. 

Lucy's Pov

I spent a lot of my time training, I had to prove I could be as strong as them. 

(In this story she has all the golden keys except for the Pisces and Libra) 

Leo and Virgo had kept me company and helped me set up a small shelter a bit away from the tranquil field so I didn't ruin the natural beauty of it. 

Capricorn and Crux had told me about incredible powers that came along with celestial magic. There was one I wanted to learn but it was very complex and before I could learn it I had to perfect my star dresses. 

(I'm not doing the entire training thing part. Sorry I'm just lazy)

Half a Year Later

Levys Pov

We had recently learned about what Lisanna did to Lucy. How she lied to us all and got us to hate Lucy. She hadn't done anything wrong and we made her leave for no reason.


"Yeah shrimp?"  Gajeel glanced my way

"Do you think we should go find Lu-Chan?" I just missed her so badly.

"Bunny girl will come back someday." What Gajeel said to me made me uneasy about when she would, it had already been half a year and I wanted to hug her and apologize for everything.

But who knew how long she would be gone? 

Happy's Pov

Natsu was cold to everyone who even mentioned Lucy. Anyone else could effortlessly get the impression that he hated her but I knew he missed her. After all, he was the worst to her and she was his best friend. 

Lisanna deceived and hurt Lucy. Everyone else believed Lisanna, we betrayed and hurt Lucy because of her. Sadly we didn't kick her out of the guild, but I knew everyone wanted to

Lucy was kind, strong, and loyal, she never hurt anyone, but Lisanna left for years and came back to be cruel and awful out of spite and jealousy.

"Happy!" An annoying voice squeaked just before I was smushed into Lisanna's arms.

"Let me go!" I struggled my way out of her grasp.

"Happy!" She frowned, "What did I do wrong?"

I ignored her and flew away to Carla.

Note: I actually like Lisanna I don't think she is a bad character in fact in the show you can see that she supports Nalu but I'm just continuing the story so I can't just completely change her character in this. 

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