8 ~ Dinner?

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Natsu's Pov

"Yeah that would be nice, thank you, Lucy," I was overjoyed that she was once again speaking to me. "I'll help you out a bit."

She gave me a quick smile and gave me a "Thanks."

Before we got to work she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up, wrapping up her cuts and bandaging it all. When she came back she handed me the jacket I let her borrow and after that, we got to quick work and I thought to myself 'This is my perfect time to apologize.'

"I'm sorry... and before you ask whatever it is please let me finish. I was convinced you had hurt Lisanna.. and I was upset. I didn't mean anything I said and now I understand how wrong I was, I just want us to be friends again... Please."

She was silent, and it wasn't a comfortable silence either but soon she spoke up.

Lucy's Pov

Everything he said, I begged myself to believe it all and give him a chance. My brain was having a fit, everything hurt and seeing my ex-best friend begging me to give him a second chance was just too much for me.

"Of course I want to forgive you Natsu, it just... The things you said to me really hurt, and knowing we had been friends for years then Lisanna came back and you lost trust in me. What was I supposed to think? Did you always think so low of me?" I finally spoke up, breaking the quiet.

"NO! Of course, I didn't, she just got into my head, it was stupid- No I was stupid. I shouldn't have said those things I never actually believed them." He was scared, did he think I would reject his offer.

"I'm sorry Natsu." His head dropped as I spoke. "I can't do this, it hurts me, you hurt me."

"I-" Before he could say anything I wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Please let me finish. Despite how you hurt me, you were still my best friend and I care so much for you, of course, I'll give you a second chance but It will take time for me to fully trust you."

Natsu's Pov

I let out a breath and hugged her as tight as I could to return her embrace. 

"Thank you, Luce." 

"Let's finish up making dinner then?" She questioning and I nodded getting straight back to work.

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