Odds and Opportunities

225 9 26

April 1999

The garden on the terrace of my mother's old estate was blooming with hundreds of yellow roses. In the sunlight, surrounded by friends and flowers, I understood this was no longer my mother's old terrace. This was my home. This is the home where Murphy and I would move past the nightmares and live our dream. That dream was just about to start. I smoothed the yellow table cloth over the long dining table and made sure each place setting was just right. The doorbell rang as I adjusted the last champagne glass into place. "Perfect timing".

Penny gasped as she and Skye entered the foyer. "KC... wow... you two must have worked so hard. It is gorgeous in here! So bright and sunny!" I hugged her tightly. To have the ever so sunny Penny Parkin compliment the happiness in my décor was a success. I took Skye's coat and hugged her as well. She raised her eyebrows in approval of the new home. "Impressive digs, you two! Congratulations. Where can I drop my housewarming gift?" she grinned as she held up a bottle of fire whisky, local to her Wigtown neighborhood. "Mmmmm... I think that will go nicely on the dining table outside. The rest of the gang should be here soon." I guided them to the door to the terrace but was stopped by the sound of the doorbell once more.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I opened the heavy front door to find my favorite bunch of redheads. Arthur, Molly, Bill, and Fleur all smiled and stepped aside to reveal that Charlie was with the group and back from his latest dragon chase. I squealed as I wrapped him in a hug. His right hand reached out to grab my left. "I'll never get used to you wearing a ring that looks like a snitch. The seeker reflex never dies" he laughed. I turned to Bill and hugged him. He looked happier than I had ever seen him. Though I had not previously met Fleur, I was astounded by how beautiful she was. She reached out for a hug, but hallway through, I felt myself being kicked in the ribs. She pulled back and rubbed her protruding middle, "Sorry, love, the little one is desperate to make her escape" she grinned. I turned back to congratulate the father-to-be. Bill was going to be an amazing dad. "He's going to be a great dad because he learned from the best", I laughed as I turned to Arthur and Molly and enveloped the, both into the biggest hug of all. "I am so so so happy you could make it. I know my dad will be ecstatic to see you both.". It was all I could do to hold back tears.

I went into the kitchen to let my dad know his best friend had arrived. Carole was sitting on the kitchen island, trying to get the perfect angle on the cake she was frosting. My dad came up the stairs from the wine cellar with her favorite chardonnay. I watched as he poured a glass for each of them. He turned to offer a glass to me. "I'm strictly red... and I plan on breaking out some champagne later for the big announcement. I'll pass" I grinned as they shared their new favorite bottle they found on their recent trip to Sonoma. Their friendship turned heads, mine included, but I promised... no questions.

I turned to answer the ringing doorbell once more. It was the first time I had seen Erika Rath since graduation. I had regretted the distance between us after leaving Hogwarts. I wasn't even sure if she had received the invitation to tonight's party. Her presence was absolutely thrilling. I erupted in laughter when she pulled me in for a hug. It was like no time at all had passed. "KC! It has been too long... do you even go by KC anymore or is it KM like I always knew it would be?" she rolled her eyes but smiled. "As long as you call me a friend, you can call me anything. It has been too long."

With half of my guests already in attendance, I went to the terrace and joined the party. It felt so nice to have those closest to me in my new home. Murphy snuck up behind me and reached out to pinch my hip. "We did a good job, McNully. Relax, I'll take it from here and wait for the Amari and Lee families to get here" he said with a kiss to my knuckles. Erika and I watched as he rolled away. "You two are disturbingly perfect for each other" she laughed. "Yeah...." I sighed as the glow of the sunlight on his perfect hair warmed my entire body. "If Chatterbox can find love, maybe there's hope for me after all" she shrugged.

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