Dancing and Dichotomy

392 17 44

January 1988

"Ohhhh, I like the red dress with the open back! If you don't pick it, I will." Tulip sighed.

"Mmmm, I don't think red is my color. If KC doesn't want it, you should take it!" Rowan conceded the magnificent red dress to either of her redheaded friends. I gestured to Tulip.

"I think I want to find something in blue..." I trailed off as Murphy McNully made his way through the common room. He looked up and waved to us as he disappeared through the door of the boy's dormitory. I sighed and tried to remember what we had been talking about before he went by.

"You want a blue dress, Katriona Cassiopeia. Presumably to match someone's tie?" she snapped her fingers in my face as I stared at the door of his dorm.

"Uh... no. He hasn't asked me too the dance. Someone else did, but I said no in hopes that he might." I dropped my head in disappointment.  I had been in love with him for some time now. There was nothing about him that didn't excite me. I couldn't imagine going to my first dance with anyone but brilliant, kind, and absolutely gorgeous Murphy McNully.

"WAIT?! What?! Excuse me? Pardon? Hold up! Hang on! Someone asked you to the ball and you hadn't told us!? What are best friends even for?" Rowan exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"There is nothing to tell. I think I'm the only person who has ever been nice to Barnaby. I think he took my kindness as affection. Trust me. I have no more affection for him than I do for the creatures we take care of together. Bowtruckles are nice, but I wouldn't want to dance with one." I shrugged.

"We aren't talking about bowtruckles, Katriona Cassiopeia! This is Barnaby Lee! He's so dreamy! You HAVE to stop staring at that door. It is not going to open. Go with the hottie." Tulip was screeching in excitement. Rowan didn't seem enthused.

"He's kind of an idiot. He's a sexy, sexy, idiot. But, I mean... they call it a dance, not a conversation. He looks like he could have some good moves. Maybe you should go with him. As long as you don't have to talk to him so much." I stared at Rowan in shock. I was so surprised by her outspokenness about the weakest qualities in him. She almost always finds the nicest things to say about people. I was too busy gawking at her to notice Murphy had reappeared behind the couch I was sharing with the girls.

"No, Ro. Barnaby is really sweet. I spent all of yesterday with him. We had lunch and then went for extra credit in Kettleburn's class. We got to snuggle a porlock! You are probably right about his dancing. He really does look like he would be a great dancer. He seemed so excited to go to the dance. While he may be a little... simple, he is deeply kindhearted." I had to admit, he was a great guy... just not the wizard for me. I was certain that he would make a great date for someone, but I was waiting for the right guy. I heard the door to the common room slam and turned around to see nobody was there.

Tulip shrugged. "Probably a house elf?"

I hated waking up early, but after a night of very little sleep, I was up before my roommates. I was antsy and decided to go for a run. It occurred to me that if I took care of feeding the fire crab for my extra credit work earlier in the day, I would not run the risk of running into Barnaby as he spent time with the creatures in early afternoon. He had looked so hurt when I told him I couldn't go with him to the dance. The girls he hung out with were never very nice to him. I hoped he found someone wonderful, beautiful and kind to go with. I noticed I was running faster toward the scorched vale. I wondered if my body was trying to run from my mind. I didn't want to hurt anyone. Especially a guy who had been hurt so badly in the past. I liked him. I would have said yes in an instant had it not been for the butterflies I felt for Murphy.

I skidded to a stop when I saw fire in the distance. It was coming from my favorite little fire crab. Someone must have excited him. I slowed my pace as I got closer. "Fantastic." I sighed as I caught my breath from my run. The crab was excited over Barnaby's presence. There was no turning back. They spotted me.

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