Reunited and Rising

296 14 22

May - 1992

"How did you get into Quidditch, KC?" Fiona, a promising new recruit for the Ravenclaw team asked as we dressed for the game.

I smiled and sighed, "I was friends with a big quidditch fan and she invited me to go to a game. A bludger went rogue and nearly hit the girl she fancied. The boy who did the commentary for the games saw the whole thing and decided I might be a decent player with a little bit of training. He worked with me from morning to night. Sometimes all night. In time, the boy with the books became unbelievably special to me. The following year, he was hit by a rogue bludger in a match against Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. That's when I decided to learn to play beater. I wanted to be able to protect him and our teammates. I was a good baseball player as a kid before I came to Hogwarts. I had a talent with a bat, but talent isn't everything. Before you take to the pitch today, remember your reason for being here. Mine is and always will be the boy with the books."

I tied my Ravenclaw quidditch robe around me for the last time and took a deep breath. I looked around the tent at the team I had led to one last chance at victory. The faces of the second years seemed so young and eager, the faces of the other seventh year teammates were heavy with the weight of what was at stake. Ravenclaw had won four Quidditch Cups in a row.

I stepped to the blackboard and cast the spell Murphy had taught me years ago. I wished he could be here to see my last match. I gathered the team for our last moment of vivification. Our team seeker burst through the entry of the tent and took her place on the bench. "Sorry, Captain. I got stopped by a man with some manuals. He was conducting fan interviews for The Daily Prophet. I felt like a star!"

Our keeper nodded. "I was interviewed earlier this morning by the guy with the guidebooks! I felt like a pro! He was looking for Captain Cassiopeia." I stared at our keeper in shock.

Young Fiona's eyes widened as she turned to me, "Man with the manuals? Guy with the Guides?" She smiled mischievously. I nodded.

"Boy with the books". I bolted out of the tent, leaving the rest of the team staring at each other in confusion.

Just as I turned the corner, running at full speed, I ran into someone hard. We both crashed to the ground. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" I apologized as I stood up. I bent to help the victim of my carelessness to his feet. "ORION! What are you doing here?! How have you been? How are your travels? What...?" he stopped me from rambling.

"My celestial sister, it is so good to see you. Seeing your hurry, I can guess exactly where you were running... and I know it is where you need to be. Go." He smiled and gestured to the commentary box.

I shook my head. "I can't. I was just about to lead my team in a moment of vivification. I guess I should get back to them. I can wait. I should wait. I left them without any explanation." I knew I was rambling, but I couldn't stop the excitement of knowing that Murphy and Orion had both come for my last game. Orion led me back to the tent.

"I have a real treat for you today. Rather than leading our moment of vivification, I would like to introduce to you my team captain of many years. Orion Amari has led this team to three of our four victories. Let's make him proud as we win the fifth here today. Orion, please, vivify us." I sat on the bench and relived some of my happiest memories of Orion's many speeches. I was fully balanced, prepared, and vivified.

Midway through the game, we took a break in the tent. We were losing, we needed to pull our defense together. There was only one play that could lead us to the cup. The problem at hand was that our chasers were all relatively new. I would have to think fast. "Fiona, Finn, Blake... who wants to play beater right now?"  I asked of my chasers. They stared at me in horror.

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