Tents and Temptations

522 18 28

October 1990

"Are you sure you're ready, KC?" I tightened my grip on his hand and sighed. "I've never done it before, but I know that I always feel safe when I'm with you, Murphy. I am ready." I kissed the furrow in his worried brow.

He smiled and stroked my hair. "What if I ...can't? It seems like the kind of thing that can only be done with two equally strong legs." He looked embarrassed. I wanted to promise him that it would all be ok. Truth is, I wasn't sure how his disability would factor into the journey we were about to take. We had been dating for a year and a half now and had been friends for almost four years before. He had never been held back by his wheelchair. Even at his most vulnerable, I found something new to love about Murphy McNully every single day. 

I wrapped my arms around him. "Hold onto me tight enough, and I think my legs will be strong enough for the both of us." I whispered into his ear. He looked uncomfortable, but he smiled. His smile faded fast. "There's a good chance I could hurt you. I think that's what scares me the most." He rested his head on my shoulder. I laced my fingers with his. It was nearly time for our first travel by portkey.

I slung my overnight bag onto the back of his wheelchair as I heard a knock at the common room door. Bill and Charlie were smiling with their bags in hand. "You lovebirds ready for the ride of your lives?" Bill grinned as he pulled a glowing beater's bat out of his bag. 

"Best do this outside, don't you think?" Charlie added. We made our way do the training grounds as quickly as we could. My nerves were overflowing, but I was excited for the experience. 

Bill turned to Murphy. "Are you sure you are comfortable?" he nodded as he grasped my hand and then the bat.

I watched the wind whip through Bill's hair and laughed when I noticed Murphy's hair had not been changed by the swirling wind. Charlie was laughing as we wound through the air together. I thought I was used to heights. I was an excellent broom rider, but this felt so far beyond my control. Bill smiled. 

"Now for the fun part... LET GO!" Murphy and I looked at each other in terror. I wrapped one arm and both legs around him and let go of the bat.

We landed hard on the ground and rolled repeatedly. We stopped at the bottom of a hill, still tangled up in each other. I was relieved to have been the first to hit the ground. The brunt of the impact fell between my shoulders. I was aching, but I was ok. I sat up to examine him for any injuries. He pulled me back down to him and kissed me gently. I brushed the leaves out of his still perfect hair and grinned. "That went better than I expected." He laughed as he wiped a smudge of mud from my forehead. Charlie and Bill came rushing down the hill with Murphy's chair and our bags. 

"The first time is always a doozy. Up, now! Can't stay too cozy down there all day. The gang's waiting! We have a League Cup to win!" Charlie helped me to my feet while Bill made sure Murphy was settled comfortably in his chair.

The roar of the crowd was deafening. We followed close behind Bill and Charlie as we made our way past rows of tiny white tents. Thanks to their outrageous team attire, Penny and Skye were easy to find in the hoard of bustling quidditch fans. The girls were dressed head to toe in Wigtown Red. We ran towards our friends and dropped our bags near the group's tents. I was taken aback by the size of the tents and wondered if I had severely overpacked. 

Bill hugged a redheaded couple and introduced them as his parents. His mother looked at me with surprise. "Dear girl! I've heard so much about you. Charlie had mentioned you remind him of his sister, but I didn't think he meant you were near lookalikes. You absolutely must meet her as soon as she returns. That hair of yours is just dazzling. Welcome to the family, love!" I was instantly connected to this amazing woman. She seemed to be the picture of what every mother should be. Bill's mother called into her family's tiny tent, "Nymphodora, darling! Your friends have arrived!"

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