Castles and Celebrities

154 6 12

June 2005

"Good morning, my Rising Star" Murphy moaned into the back of my neck as our alarm clock chimed. I pressed my back closer to his chest and held his hand that rested over my heart. "No, let's stay in bed all day", I protested. He nuzzled my neck. "That's a lovely idea, but we have to get up before the children. Today is a big day for them." I rolled over to meet his eyes. Sixteen years had passed since our first kiss and looking into his stormy blue eyes each morning still made my heart flutter. I kissed him gently. "Let the children sleep in for once." I sighed as I nestled my head onto his chest.

He shook my shoulder gently, "The sponsors don't pay tuition to let the kids sleep, McNully. Besides... we have a very special student coming to camp today. You'll want to be awake for this". I jolted awake, reminded of what today really meant for the camp. I scrambled out of bed. "I can't believe I was trying to skip class to get laid on the most important morning of my career. Oh, dear Merlin... he's finally coming to camp!" I cursed as I threw my bathrobe around me.

Murphy rested against our headboard with his hands clasped behind his head. "Isn't skipping class to get laid a trick you learned from the guest of honor's mum?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I chucked his Kestrels jersey at him before pulling my Catapults jersey over my head. "Yes! Don't you dare talk about her like that... but yes!", I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the memories.

I pulled my hair back into a style that I only wore when I was flying and affixed my snitch pin to my jersey. I jumped up and down a couple of times to rid myself of the nervous energy. When my feet hit the floor for the third time, they moved uncontrollably out of our bedroom door.

I tore through the house and out the door. I ran down the hill to the camp and practically levitated into the main gallery. I skidded to a stop at the reception desk. "Is he here?" I squealed as the receptionist handed me my latte. "No ma'am, but Ms. Rath asks that you join her in her office to 'definitely not snoop out the window and await his arrival' with her". I nodded and nearly spilled my coffee as I bolted up the stairs to Erika's room.

She was standing in the window, swaying side to side with nervous energy. "Is he here?", she turned to ask. I joined her and stuck my head out of the window. "Not yet. I'm so nervous. He inspired so much of this. He was the reason for every decision I had made in building this camp. I hope he enjoys his summer with us!" I could hear the nervousness in my voice. She turned to me with a look of confusion. "He is spending the summer with us?" she inquired with a scrunch of her nose.

Our attention turned to the window once more as a car from the Ministry of Magic's fleet made its way toward the castle. My stomach did flips. I looked at Erika with my eyes wide and teary. She took on a pale green color and was visibly sweating. I hadn't realized she had been so close to Tonks or Professor Lupin. "He's here!", I screeched. I turned to run down the corridors, past the stands above the pitch, down the spiral staircase, and stopped short before entering the reception area. I caught my breath and wiped my tears. I pulled myself together before the big moment.

"Teddy Lupin! Welcome to Quidditch camp! We've waited years to have you join us!" I smiled at the seven-year-old. As his mother's friend, I was moved to see so much of her mischief in his eyes. As his caretaker for the next eight weeks, it terrified me. I kneeled at eye level to tell him all about the camp and the experiences we were excited to offer him. "First thing's first. We have four teams that you may choose from. Rowan's Ravens is the teal team. Their priority is to learn about strategy and commentary. They learn quidditch mostly through books and modified games on the pitch. Dora's Dragons is the pink team. They learn about broom making and team management. They learn and play at an introductory level. Freddie's Foxes is the orange team. Their goal is to learn how to network as an agent for professional quidditch players they may represent one day. They are also the most active in league philanthropy projects. This team plays at an intermediate level. Finally, we have the lavender colored Llewelyn's Lions. The Lions are required to learn every aspect of quidditch on and off the pitch. This is an advanced training level for students with professional potential. So, young Teddy, what do you think?", I asked with a smile. He looked thoughtful and turned to his godfather, "You always say the Lions are the best teams, right?"

I rose to my feet to give a worried look to the boy's caretaker. He gritted his teeth and shook his head. His hair moved at the motion and I couldn't help but glance at his forehead. He took a deep breath and kneeled to Teddy's level. "Kiddo, I think it sounds like you'd do well as a Dragon. In fact, Dora's Dragon seems, nearly... tailored for your needs. What do you say?", they shared a knowing look. They were speaking a silent language I was lucky not to understand.

Teddy turned to me with his eyes glossy and wide, "I would be honored to be a Dora's Dragon, Mrs. Cassiopeia", he grinned. "Excellent choice, sir. The Dragons will be so proud to have you. You may call me KC or just McNully. No need for formality. Let me show you and your godfather to your dormitory and get you settled in". I lead the three of us to the east wing and stopped at the statue of the team namesake. Teddy dropped his luggage and stared in awe. As he faced the marble rendering of Nymphadora, I pulled my wand out of my sleeve and charmed the statue. The marble figure scooped up the little boy and hugged him tightly before blowing a raspberry kiss on his cheek. He looked up at me with a wide smile. "I think I'm going to like playing for the Dragons", he said as he jumped onto his dormitory bed and immediately befriended his roommates.

I ushered the proud godfather back to the reception area in silence, unsure of what to say to the most famous man in the world. He spoke first. "Katriona, it is truly wonderful of you to have him here this summer. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me or Ginny if he needs anything. Or if you need anything at all. We are just such big fans of what you are doing here. My wife is crazy about you. She'll happily donate time, money, whatever to your cause. One does not become a quidditch player in Wales without a great deal of respect for Katriona Cassiopeia: The Rising Star of Caerphilly just a bit. You're her favorite player. You're like a celebrity, really. She's home with the newborn, or she would be here to meet you today. She is really looking forward to meeting you", he smiled at the thought of his wife and newborn. I shook my head in disbelief. "The pleasure would be all mine. I am quite close to her eldest brothers and I am such a fan of hers... and of yours. One does not play any level of quidditch... anywhere without a great deal of respect for you. Your name is synonymous with survival. Not just yours, but all of ours. Your family is welcome at my castle, my camp, and my home any time."

My breath caught as he hugged me by surprise. "We will take you up on that", he said before getting into his car and leaving the castle. I watched his car disappear into a cloud of dust. I let out an excited squeal at the thought of spending all summer hosting my dear friend's wonderful little boy. It wasn't just Dora's Dragons that had been tailor made for him. He inspired so much of this entire camp.

I entered the lobby alone and found my receptionist huddled with Erika, Seth, and my dad. "Well? Where's the VIP? We were so excited to meet him!", they gasped in unison. "The VIP has decided to join us for the summer playing for Dora's Dragons, of course!"

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