Antiques and Athletics

391 15 44

August 1991

"Good morning, KC.", Murphy sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I nestled my back close to his chest and leaned my head back onto his collarbone. Waking up in his bed was an infrequent luxury. We were finally able to spend the entire night next to each other. No more breaking away for "tactical sessions" in the commentary box. No more losing house points for falling asleep together on the couch in the Ravenclaw common room. No more sneaking coffee and picnic baskets around the astronomy tower after curfew. No more Murphy at Hogwarts at all. I was returning to school the next day. I was traveling alone. I smoothed his midnight blue duvet over my chest, sunk deep into the mattress, and leaned further still into his embrace. 

"Good morning, indeed", I giggled as he kissed the back of my neck.

The tea kettle whistled in the kitchen. Murphy sat up and kissed my head as he got out of bed. I faced the window and felt the glow of the late summer sunrise warm the entire bed. I had slept better over the last two weeks than I had in my entire life. Murphy's new flat was the perfect place to end a perfect summer. He came back into the bedroom with a tea tray on his lap. He brought the smell of fresh coffee with him. He got back into bed and passed a cup to me. "How shall we spend our last day here together, Rising Star?" 

I pressed a finger to his lips and shook my head. "By pretending we have more time." I pleaded.

"Eight weeks, four countries, two continents, one day left. We should make it one to remember." he smiled as bright as the sunrise creeping over the city below. I took a gulp of the coffee and considered the adventure we had just had together. 

"Eight weeks, four countries, two continents, and a million incredible memories." I agreed. "What was your favorite?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment and smiled. "I think each place had good memories. Some more than others. I liked spending time at your mum's. I didn't realize you grew up in such a beautiful place." I appreciated his lie. The home itself was beautiful. He was right about that. I knew there was no possible way he truly enjoyed time with my mother.

We left school and immediately went to her estate on the Laugharne Coast. Murphy brought a bouquet of Dalias for my mother and dressed his best. We planned to met her at the train station on the first train in. Her assistant brought the car, my mother was nowhere in sight. Murphy watched as every muscle in my body tensed up as we drove closer to her estate. Not even his strong hand on my neck could relax me. 

"What happened to Barnaby?" my mother asked the moment we came through her door. I had written more than my share of letters about Murphy. I had talked about Murphy in person all summer the year before. I had photos of him on the shelf in my room. She hadn't paid attention or her treatment of him was on purpose. She asked why I hadn't brought Barnaby home for the summer another four times in our two weeks at her home.

Our first night in Laugharne, she suddenly asked her assistant to prepare the guest room for Murphy's stay. When I got to my room, it was obvious it had initially been set up for two people to stay comfortably. I convinced myself that she changed her mind about letting my boyfriend stay in my bedroom when she saw the love between Murphy and me. I told myself that she was comfortable with me sharing a room with Barnaby because we didn't radiate an apparent desire for one another. Lying to myself about her intentions was the only way I was able to sleep without him next to me.

She continued to treat him like an invalid for two weeks. Each day, her feelings toward Murphy became more and more clear. One morning, I went to the kitchen to make coffee for the both of us. Mum was already at the table having breakfast. Her voice startled me at first.

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