Islands and I Dos

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April - 1995

"McNully! Hey, McNully, wake up. I'm home and I brought coffee with a side of good news."

A smile spread across my face before I was even fully awake. "It has been six months, Murphy, and I still smile every time. Do it again." I giggled as I took the latte out of his hand. He sat his cup down on my nightstand and climbed back into bed with me. He pulled me close and kissed my cheek. "Good morning... McNully", he whispered into my ear and held me tighter. My heart and my stomach did gymnastics every time he called me by my new name. Our name. 

"I have good news, too. I insist you go first." I looked up at him with wild anticipation of stories from his most recent work trip. He had spent the weekend in Montrose as the Kestrels traveled to play the Magpies. I was looking forward to a good quidditch story from the best-ever commentator the Kestrels had ever had, but his face was lit up even more than usual. He handed me an envelope with Orion's stamp on its back.

"We are godparents, again. Nova was born just before midnight last night. She's breathtaking. This one looks like her mother." I held the card that contained the newborn's photo. Breathtaking wasn't enough of a word to describe her. Of course, she was beautiful, but what she meant to me was impossible to articulate. Orion's family was growing in every way possible. It was surreal to think that at one point, I was the only "family" he had. My heart was instantly turned to mush at the sight of her. "Look at that hair!" I gasped. Murphy stroked my flaming red locks and smiled. "The world is a better place with a brand new redhead in it."

I turned to him with a bit of a frown. "I'm afraid my news for you is underwhelming after your big news, but I'm so excited to share this with you." I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a chocolate frog. His smile widened. "You keep candy in there? You're bloody brilliant", he laughed. I nudged his ribs with my elbow and rolled my eyes. "Not always, but this is a special frog just for you. Open it!" I demanded playfully.

The frog jumped out of the package and landed on the blanket at my hip. He reached for it and left it on his nightstand, as they only had one decent jump in them before being ready for a snack. He pulled out the card and smiled at the insert inside. "Katriona Cassiopeia-McNully: Caerphlly Catapults -  League Cup Champions 1994" his breath caught in his throat before he attempted to repeat himself. "Katriona... Cassiopeia-McNully? You chose to include your new name on your trading card? My name is on a special edition... quidditch championship... chocolate frog... trading card?!" he was laughing, but tears were streaming down his cheeks. I kissed his salt stained cheeks and nestled close to his chest. "I wouldn't have it any other way", I whispered as I dried his eyes on my shirt sleeve.

I rested my head back onto his chest and smiled as I felt his breath and heartbeat return to normal. Once he had recovered from a surprisingly emotional reaction to my news, I stoked the knuckles of his hand that was holding my waist. "What's the plan for today, my love?" I asked with a particularly dreamy tone to my voice. I was awake, but still had not reached for the latte on my nightstand. "The plan is to have no plans. I am exhausted from the trip, it is too rainy to go out, I am happy to stay in and cuddle my wife... especially if she wears the rainy day outfit she knows I love so much" he grinned.

"Rain, lattes, gorgeous husband, and... this outfit?" I pulled back my duvet to reveal my long, midnight blue, cashmere sweater with matching thigh high cashmere socks. He let out a groan as he gripped my bare thigh. "Uh... we could stay in bed, too" he suggested. I rolled over and kissed him gently. "You made the rain sound so nice though. Let's get the photo of little Nova on the mantle and curl up in the bay window. I'll bring the lattes." I jumped out of bed and provoked another sigh from Murphy.

I hung baby Nova's picture next to the picture of her sister Stella. I stood back to admire all the photos we had added to the mantle in our new home. "It looks perfect, McNully... and so do you. That dress was unbelievable. I can't believe you actually married me." Murphy sighed as he curled up on the sofa in the bay window. I turned to him, then back to the photos on the shelf. Our wedding photo was the largest, flanked by pictures of Orion's daughters and the sketch Orion drew of Murphy and I cuddled up together, fast asleep, in the Ravenclaw common room six years ago. Each memory came flooding back as I nestled into Murphy's arms once again.

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