Lipgloss and Love Potions

467 19 33

April 1989

I loved spending time in the commentary box. I went there to be alone and reflect on quidditch. I went there to study with Murphy. It had grown to mean so much to me in my five years at Hogwarts. I could easily say that the box was my favorite place on all the castle grounds. It didn't feel so inviting today. It wasn't the grey skies or the cold rain that made it so dreary and foreboding. The commentary box hadn't felt inviting at all in the week since Orion told me that I was the girl Murphy had fallen in love with. I hadn't seen Murphy in days. The night I ended things with Barnaby was the last time Murphy and I spoke. I knew, even at the time, that it would be the day our friendship was forever changed.

I tried to shake thoughts of Murphy out of my mind. I wasn't up here for him. I was in the box with a serious assignment. After much consideration and deliberation, Orion had asked me to take over as team captain when he left Hogwarts. I would need to sit out and watch practice as a whole so that I could properly understand the balance of his coaching style. I didn't know if I was heartbroken or relieved to find that I would be in the box alone today. I was anxious to see him, but also terrified the eventual encounter. I let out a heavy sigh and nestled deeper into my jacket. I wished I had worn a scarf.

I had never watched a game or practice from the commentary box. This was exciting. I wondered, for only a moment, if I would make a good commentator. I laughed at the idea. I stood up and touched the microphone stand and looked at the large speaker in awe. "Mmmm... good memories."

"Are you thinking of stealing my job, Rising Star?" I turned around to meet Murphy's gaze. 

I grinned. "I wouldn't dream of it. Everyone knows you're the next best ever." I plopped down on the bench nearest to his chair and gave him a shy smile. His smile seemed forced. He turned his eyes to the pitch. The silence was awkward. We had never been awkward before. I turned my attention to my coffee and took a sip.

I looked up to see a large cloud of fog coming from Murphy's deep breath. It was nearly freezing up here. "Murphy... hey..." I turned to him and offered him my coffee cup. "You look cold. I'm happy to share." I placed the cup in his outstretched hand. I was wearing wool gloves, his were leather, I still felt a jolt as our fingers touched. He took a long and slow sip of my coffee. 

He turned to me and smiled. "That's 20% more delicious than the coffee you normally drink. What changed?" he looked like he was craving more. It was my normal coffee. I hadn't changed anything about it. I took the cup back and smelled it to detect any changes. It smelled like vanilla cupcakes. I realized instantly that my lip gloss tasted like vanilla cupcakes. I blushed. 

"I think you might have just eaten my lip gloss." I laughed.

"I'd say it's better than regular coffee. I can't drink the stuff anymore... not since the incident in potions class. Some Slytherin kid couldn't contain himself and had to taste the amortentia. He went absolutely feral and ruined the class for everyone. I can't tell you a damn thing abut the potion." He chuckled at the memory of the love struck sixth-year. 

I was taken aback. "So, it smelled like coffee to him?" I cocked my head to the side. Coffee was hardly a popular beverage here at the castle. In fact, I was certain I was the only person I knew who would drink it on a regular basis.

"Well, yeah. I mean... the potion smells just like hot coffee on a cold, rainy, and starlight night. Pretty irresistible, I'd say. Why?" he shrugged. 

"Murphy, amortentia smells different to everyone. It smells like something you love. I never guessed I had turned you into such a coffee fiend." I laughed playfully as I watched shades of pink cross his face. "Oh, interesting... I'm sorry I missed the lesson. Have you smelled it?" he didn't look in my eyes when he asked. 

"I have... but it was some chemical kind of smell mixed with wicker, cinnamon, and maybe grass? I couldn't identify it. It was nice though. I am looking forward to studying it more next year." I took another sip of my coffee and felt him watching me. 

"May I?" he asked for another drink.

"Wow... that's good." He took one large gulp and immediately snuck another sip. I don't know what came over me but watching his second little sip gave me the courage. " theory... you are saying that you like the taste of my lips?"

He dropped the coffee cup at his side. It exploded all over my shoes. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Hey... wait... what... I..." he had never seemed so flustered. He reached for the empty cup, but it was too far to reach from his chair. There was nothing he could use to distract himself now.

"KC... I... don't. Please, don't do that. Don't make fun of me." He continued to stammer. I stood up to face him. 

"I would never make fun of you, Murphy. I just have to ask. I mean... you said amortentia smelled like coffee. I know that you hated coffee until you missed me over summer vacation. You told me just last week that you were had feelings for someone. You said you were in love. I just thought that if I even had a 1% chance to kiss you right now, I should take that chance. Is there any chance you'd like to taste my lip gloss again?"

His hand reached out to the curve of my hip. My breath caught in my throat. He pulled me onto his lap and stroked my hair. I leaned in and kissed his smiling lips. My forehead rested on his for a moment while I looked deep into his sparkling grey eyes. He tilted me back against the armrest of his wheelchair. I reached up to touch his cheek and pull him closer for one more kiss.

He kissed deeply as I ran my hands through his perfect blond hair. I brought my hand to his cheek and started to laugh. He pulled away. "Did I do something wrong? What's so funny?" he looked mortified. 

I sat up tall in his lap and smelled the air around us. "Hairspray. Amortentia smells like hairspray." I laughed and ran my hands through his incredible hair.

He kissed me playfully as I laughed. "I love you, Katriona Cassiopeia." I kissed him with all the passion I could muster.  

"I have always loved you, McNully."

He pulled away from me and rested his head on my shoulder as he caught his breath. "You're right. That doesn't sound right. Call me Murphy" he panted with a grin.

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