Fights and Floos

227 8 16

April 1997

"Are you certain you won't join us, Nan?" Murphy pleaded with his grandmother. She placed his duffel bag on his lap and handed my carry on bag to me. She was not backing down and we all knew it. She was prepared for a fight.

"You kids need to get to a safe place and get there soon. Things will get bad very quickly. I will be in a better position to heal those in need if I am not worried about my sweet ones." She was loving as always, but I could hear the terror in her voice. "We aren't kids, we can stay with you and help." Murphy protested. I knew better than to argue with her.

She turned to me with a flicker of a tear in her eyes and gripped my shoulders. "Katriona, dear girl. Three years ago, I stood and watched the two of you vow to protect each other. I'll never forget that day, please promise me you won't forget your promise to my handsome boy. 'I pledge to you my living and dying, equally in your care'. I'm not ready to see either of you die over this madman. We know how your mother feels about Murphy. She has friends in high and dangerous places. You are not safe here. Take care of my boy and I will see you all when this is over." All I could do was nod.

"Come on, Loves... off we go", Murphy's mother handed us a bag of Floo Powder and stood under her mantel." Murphy looked uncomfortable. "Mum, how do you know this will work?" he asked nervously. I looked at his mother with the same question in my eyes. She smiled. "I visit Wallace frequently. We've become quite close." I joined Murphy on the floor at his mother's feet in the fireplace as she sent the three of us off with a should of "Cassiopeia Residence!"

My father's fireplace was quite small, but I managed to climb out first. I shook the soot out of my hair and was quickly greeted by my smiling dad. Before we could end our hug, Murphy's mother appeared in the cramped fireplace as well. My dad rushed to help her to her feet. She greeted him with a kiss on each cheek. She quickly retreated to the guest bedroom and brought out a new wheelchair as Murphy appeared in the fireplace. "My son!" Dad hugged Murphy before he was settled into his chair. Murphy and my dad shared a hug before my dad pulled all four of us close to him.

"Notice anything different?" he asked with a smile as he stepped away from the mantel. Murphy's mother laughed. "I see you were kind enough to turn off the fireplace before our arrival this time. That's new" she smiled as my dad hung his head. "I'm still learning... and I'm sorry about your trousers. I do have a new pair hanging in your room" he apologized again and again. I wondered how many times she had visited in order for him to call the guest room hers.

Again, he pointed to the fireplace, "I wonder if you noticed anything else that was new or different... about the fireplace that doesn't involve the terrible burden of being part of the floo network." he motioned to the mantel. I gasped as I realized his autographed DiMaggio jersey had been replaced by my Catapults jersey in the frame over the fireplace. "Dad..." I started to thank him, but was speechless.

"Come on, now. I have so much to show all of you. Carole, as promised. I have some great things for your inventory. Murphy, I hope you are comfortable. Your mother and I got the best ride on the market for you as long as you are staying here in the city. Katriona, you already got your surprise. You're bigger than DiMaggio in this house" he smiled as he led us all into his study.

It was here, in this room, six years ago, that Murphy had shared with my dad his intention to marry me. It felt like yesterday the two of them became friends. The memory of that day came flooding back. I couldn't contain myself as I moved past Murphy and his mother to hug my dad. "Thank you. Thank you for all of it." I whispered as I tried not to cry. He pulled away and sat me on his desk like he did when I was a little girl. "Tell me, Cassiopeia, what is going on over there? I get the bits and pieces from Carole when she visits, but I need the muggle translation."

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