Secrets and Chess

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Secrets and Chess

That night, after astronomy, I walked back to the common room with Eddie and Lucy in a sort of trance. I felt- strange. Like my stomach was hollow and my heart was beating too hard, up in my throat.

"...Ophelia? Are you okay?" Eddie asked me, pausing in his playfight with Lucy when he noticed the far off look in my eyes.

"Mm? Fine." I nodded.

Little did I know, Lucy was feeling almost the same thing I was. She stood next to Eddie, her heart skipping as she felt his hand on hers.

Eddie still had his eyes trained on my vacant expression.

We clambered one after the other into the common room, and as soon as I made it to my closet, I thankfully changed into the comforting t-shirt. That shirt never failed to make me feel warm and safe.
Lucy made her bed before she climbed under the sheets, something I never understood.

"Why make it if you're just going to muss it up again?" I asked.

"Because I can't stand an unmade bed!" Lucy explained.

I looked down at the mess of sheets that was mine. I think the last time it was properly made was first September.

"Does this bother you?" I giggled as I pointed it out.

Lucy stared at me.


I grinned, as Lorraine and Anna walked into the dorm, apparently just returning from astronomy. The were giggling about something again and Lucy rolled her eyes. I turned towards the door, to something I had not expected to see. There they were, apparently oblivious to the fact that Lucy and I were standing there, staring at them in shock.

Anna's face was bright red, Lorraine's arm wrapped about her waist. As I tried to comprehend what I was seeing, Lorraine planted a kiss on Anna's cheek.

Lucy and I turned to each other, her eyes just as wide as mine.

"Oh-" I heard Anna say, and I turned back to see Lorraine quickly unwrap her arm from Anna's waist and flush bright red.

"Um. Hi." Anna said.

"...Hi." Lucy answered.

We all stood awkwardly shuffling our feet, just staring at each other.

"So. This is new." I finally said, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, not really-" Anna said, recieving a stamp on the foot from Lorraine afterwards. She winced.

"Yes. New." Lorraine answered instead. She figured she couldn't back out of it now, but didn't want to dig it deeper. Her and Anna had actually been together since 4th year. But they didn't need to know that.

"Cute." Lucy said awkwardly. I nodded.

Another awkward moment.

"Well. Bed!" I clapped my hands together, and we all dissipated towards our sides of the dorm.
Lucy quickly jumped onto my bed as I shut the drawers, and she stared at me with her hand clamped over her mouth, a shocked laughter bubbling out of her.

"Shh!" I shushed her, and I quickly cast a silencing charm around my bed.

Lucy broke down. She clutched her stomach, and fits of giggles and laughs escaped her until she was crying.

"Lucy!" I laughed.

"Im s-sorry. Just-just..." She was absolutely losing it. "The way they just stood there!! I can't-" She could barely breath.

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