Edwardimums and Sneaking out

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Edwardimums and Sneaking Out

The carriage pulled into the small platforms in front of the castle gates. I looked up into the glowing lights of Hogwarts, a happiness welling up inside of me. This was going to be a good year. No OWLs, no injuries (hopefully, although with Quidditch one can never really tell), no prats stealing my best friend as one already had. I noticed Ginny walking up the steps in front of us, laughing, her hand in Harry's. I pulled my book bag off of the carriage a little too harshly and it split again. 

"Oh, for merlin's sake." I muttered under my breath. I bent down to pick up my books and things that had fallen out, and there was Edwardus, his hand already out stretched, picking up my copy of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," as it had slipped from the cardboard case.

"I love these books." He said, as he placed it back in the cover, fixed my bag and pushed the set in with the rest of my things

"They're my favourite." I smiled at him as he handed me my bag. His silvery-blue-gray eyes crinkled when he smiled back, his curly brown hair resting messily atop his head. He was much taller then he was last year.

"You grew!" I pointed out. I was still the same height, an above average 5'6". 

"Did I? I hardly noticed." He smirked. 

I laughed. It was nice seeing him again.
We walked up to the castle together, and I kept my eyes neatly trained on him to stop them wandering up the steps towards the couple.

"How was your summer then?" I asked.

Behind us, Neville stood awkwardly between Hannah and Luna.

"Pretty good. Hannah and I went and saw lots of movies. It was nice." He nodded.
I'd forgotten that he was close with Hannah. I'd thought they were dating last year, but it'd turned out they had just met in Herbology and become immediate friends.

"Right. How is she, with…everything…"I lowered my voice to ask.

"Alright. She's tough, Hannah. She really likes him, but she understands that he doesn't reciprocate it." Edwardus nodded.

"Well, I'm glad she has you, Edwardus." 

He blanched. 

"Ugh, don't call me that. I've decided, out of rebellion against my stupid name, that I'd like to be called Eddie, Ed, or Edward at all times. No "-us", please." He shook his head.

"Whatever you said Edward-o," I emphasized the "o." 

"Oh, please don't. That's worse than Edwardus."

"Alright..." I agreed.

He nodded in thanks.

"...Edward-i-us." I teased.



"Oh, gods."

"No, wait, I like that one! Edwardimum. Isn't that a flower?"

"That's chrysanthemum- y'know for a Hufflepuff, you aren't very good with plants."

"Hey! Cheap shot, 'Eddie-Ed-or-Edward'."

He slapped his forehead with his palm.

We continued to bicker, and as we did Ginny turned about, trying to find me. She noticed Edwardus and I, mid argument, and smirked to herself. She ignored the flames that tickled her stomach in jealousy, and squeezed Harry's hand. 


The castle was warm, the candle flames setting small shadows upon each table. I sat at the Hufflepuff table with 'Edwardimum', Hannah Abbott, and Susan Bones. We chattered happily, as did the groups around us, until the great hall doors opened wide, and in came Professor McGonagall with the group of first years. They were a small bunch, and all looked rain soaked and disheveled. The famous sorting hat was placed on the stool, and the sorting began with another song.

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