Good Morning

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"Well good morning Lady Sakura"

"Brave of you to stay the whole night. My father won't be too pleased to see a woman besides me"

"You don't mind and that's all that matters. Might we add that it was your proposal that I stay the night"

"Indeed the night, not all the way to morning. Why not leave at dawn like you always do"

"Today is special. Your father is actually on a quest to find those malicious demons that invaded the town next to us. A brave man he is"

"You think my father would hate me. Sleeping next to the one he swore to destroy. A demon"

"Sakura please. He would hate you first for loving a woman before he even thinks to expose my true nature"

"But...I'm a goddess and-"

"It's happened before. Me loving you may be a sin in their eyes, but when did we label such an uncontainable emotion. I Kana Ikeda am in love with you Sakura"

"And I Sakura Shimizu am in love with you Kana Ikeda, but that doesn't change the fact that we will both face terrible consequences if we don't find some clothes to cover ourselves"

"I won't fight you on that. The night is one thing when the guards are sleep, but everybody is up now"

"I'm surprised they didn't wake up from your screams last night"

"You mean your screams. The town could've mistaken your pleasure as a blood bath happening in their front lawn"

"Oh hush. I'm going to shower. Join me if you want, I would hate the guards to see a random stranger in my room. A princess is allowed no visitors without the kings approval, so your being here is suspicious as is"

"You actually want me to shower with you?"

"I don't see why not. You've seen me naked plenty of times. What's so different?"

"Nothing, it's just- you know"

"For somebody that claims to wear the pants you sure are the shy type"

"Last I checked we both are females. Being shy to a beautiful woman such as yourself is nothing but normal"

"Well if you change your mind, I'll be waiting"

Ah yes. A love story between two woman and their traitorous journey. Being a goddess in love with a demon is looked down upon even by the other races. How they see it is purity being tainted by the ugly souls of the demons, but that's not how it is.

Sakura saved Kana from a village far from her home. She had left to blow off some steam only to find a beautiful woman wounded badly from what she assumed was a battle.

Sakura was frantic to find a doctor but Kana begged for her not to, saying that if she did they would kill her.

"WHAT! Your bleeding, we need to seek medical help"

"It's no use. They will just refuse to treat me. You damn goddesses never help demons so why start now damnit!"


"Figures to why you want to help. You didn't know huh? Well now that you do you can leave me to fend for myself. I don't need you. Any of you matter a fact"

"Your life isn't worth any less than mine. If you still refuse to come with me then I'll just heal you myself"

"Yourself huh? And how are you gonna do that?"

Sakura healed her right there. A beautiful circle of light illuminates from the woman's hands over the wounded flesh, healing it instantly.

" healed me"

"Of course I did. I wasn't just gonna sit here and watch you bleed out"

Kana blushed not knowing how to thank the woman in front of her. How could a goddess help a demon? Isn't that illegal in some way.

A rule set in stone for ages.

"Your name"


"Your name, what is it?"

"Oh uh *laughs nervously* my name is Sakura. And what's yours?"


"It was nice meeting you Kana"

"Your dress is kinda ruined from all that blood, but I guess meeting me makes up for it"

"You must be the humorous type"

"Depends how you look at it. I'm not like a joker or anything. I can only imagine how many you come across seeing though your a princess and everything"

"How did you know!"

"The crest on your necklace. You should probably be more careful. There's a lot of demons crawling around here and your considered a top prize"

"If that's so then why haven't you killed me yet"

"Lucky for you Lady Sakura, I am not the hunting type. I actually came in search for a better life. Sucks that one of those demon jerks attacked me. They heard I was leaving and threw a big tantrum I guess. They threatened to tell my uncle, but they bluff so much I highly doubt they actually did tell him"

"So your not gonna kill me?"

"Well of course not beautiful. A soul like yours should live a couple more years before being gobbled up by someone like me"

"You made it sound like you were just waiting to obtain my soul"

"Did I now? Hm, I don't recall"

"Oh no! You really are gonna eat my-"

"Calm it down would ya. I was just kidding. It's not like we're gonna see each other again, so it's very unlikely. Plus I owe you one. Me eating your soul would be a cheap move"

"But your a demon?"

"And? Even after all these years, you goddesses still believe every demon is bad"

"I didn't mean it like-"

"It's whatever. Shouldn't you be heading back to your castle or something. It's getting dark and don't princesses have curfews?"

"If you must know I am my own person. My father doesn't own me you know"

"I apologize princess. I didn't realize you were such a bad girl", Kana smirked.

"Bad girl? Am not. I just happen to know where to place my boundaries. I am 17 years old. My father doesn't have to give me a curfew"

Kana rolled her eyes, "It's 10 isn't it"

"11", Sakura corrected.

Kana laughed at the princess and ruffled her hair, "Your funny. Maybe I'll come by some day"

And just like that. She left.

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