Second Thoughts

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Kana P.O.V

"This all could've played out differently"

Was it possible to take back what was once mine, like sanity and control. I fooled myself to think I was perfect enough to live a life as a demon in a world that despises my species, down to the bone.

I opened up the necklace and sure enough the events of the past came rushing through, but it seemed more peaceful than hostile.

She was there.

Just run. For me.

She caressed my face, kissing my lips as her soul was taken from her body, eaten by...this monster.

"You did it...You took her from me", I closed the necklace and looked at Sakura who was too scared to speak.

I curled my hands into a fist and punched the wall beside me, "Answer me Damnit!"

"The guards will hear you, you need to calm down"

I stomped up to her and grabbed her neck with force, clenching as hard as I could without leaving her breathless.

"You think I care *chokes her harder*. You fooled me and made me believe that you were her. You took her from me. You ate her soul with no remorse and you dare tell me to calm down. How about you die. I'll have fun crushing all 7 of your hearts", my eyes turned black, unlike the usual purple the rest of the demons have.

"No. No please!", she gasped while clawing away at my hands, desperate for an escape.

"Drop the princess", oh. The guards. What worthless pieces of shit.

"Princess? You all are just as blind as me", I stuck my hand in her chest and took out one of her hearts to show to the guards to which they stared in horror.

"I swore to protect her too you know. I told her that as long as I lived...she had nothing to worry about and here we all are worshipping a fake. This heart *throws it on the floor* is just one of the seven that I will crush. A smart choice would be to leave"

No emotion was present as I spoke even though I had enough pain to spare in each and every letter.

They all charged at me at once, not thinking for a second about how they're at a disadvantage. How sad.

"Demon Loop", A fortress of darkness surrounded me and Sakura as the guards tried their best to enter.

"The Demon King found out about my relationship and asked you to consume her soul. Your coming with me so I can finish what I started a thousand years ago. I'm getting that angelic blood and you'll be there to witness it since my lover co exist in your body"

"Kana the Demon King will-"

"Will not know what's going"

"Just kill me. I can't be at mercy of a traitor of the demon race"

"My lovers soul lives in your body, so I will do no such thing. Witness my soon achievement and I'll see how I can torture you without you dying"

"What makes you think I won't kill myself"

"Because your not stupid. Do something as little as scratch yourself and I will constrain you with every bit of my power and darling *grabs her chin* it's a lot"

Her eyes filled up with fear as my eye gleamed with violence. If my beloved wasn't stuck within this horrid flesh, I would kill the bitch right now.

"It's time to cause hell in paradise. You appear to be good at that", I spread out my wings and grabbed her arm. I'll finish this. Today.

(1,000+ years ago)

"Love is a weird thing"

Kana was confused to why her girlfriend was saying this, a bit worried that Sakura was having second thoughts about her emotions.


"I would do anything for you, but at the same time...I would leave if it meant protecting you"

Kana realized what this was about, "Your talking about me wanting your mothers blessing"

"She would never agree to such a sin. Even if she did, it's not her blessing that matters. The Supreme Deity would hear of this and who knows what she would do"

"You know the rules. I can't marry you if I don't have angelic blood. This day and age would never allow it"

"Please Kana, if you love me then you would stay here with me and stop thinking about this suicide mission. Our relationship is good enough, marriage doesn't have to be everything"

Kana understood this, but this is what she wanted. She respected her girlfriends views, but marriage was something she always looked forward too.

"My love, you are everything I dreamed of and more, so I hate to hear you speak down on our future. I feel as if you don't believe in me to retrieve the Supreme Deity's approval for our marriage. Your an Angel of importance and I knew the stakes were high when I fell in love with you, but I, a Demon of higher ranks am more than capable to beat anybody that gets in our way"

"I just...I love you so much and the bare thought of you dying because of something so silly-"

"Silly? Me wanting to marry you is not silly. Marriage is something I always wanted and you know this. Why call it 'silly' now when I informed you of my plans in the beginning"

"I know you told me, but this plan of yours is dangerous. We're talking about the Supreme Deity. She could wipe you demons out in an instant"

"You demons? I can't believe what I'm hearing. Do you realize the words you are saying to me?!"

" *gasps* I didn't mean it like that"

"That's exactly how you meant it. Am I just another demon to you?"

"No, not at all"

"Then what am I Sakura? Cause what I'm hearing is that I'm an incapable demon who you don't want to marry"

Kana stood up from the grass with saddened eyes and flew away from her lovers hiding grounds. She was annoyed, devastated, uneasy about the conversation she just engaged in. It felt like everything was falling apart.

She needed to think.

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