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Elizabeth P.O.V

*2 weeks later*

"Sir's been three days and you haven't been talking as much. Is there a problem?"

His green eyes sparkled nothing but lies as he spoke, "I couldn't be better. Business has been booming and I finally get to try this new recipe"

"Oh I see. Sorry, I didn't mean to assume"

"No need to apologize Elizabeth. Your just concerned for me and I like that *winks*"

I blushed at his words and went back upstairs to sit with Elaine. She has gotten better and it's really nice to have girl talk. Diane gets a bit jealous when I talk about Meliodas to her, so I try not to bring him up when we talk.

"Your not wrong"

I looked at Elaine confused, "Pardon?"

"Your thinking that the captain may be hiding something, right? Ban assumes the same thing. He has been off these past couple days"

"Oh right. You can read peoples hearts"

"Not the captains. It's like he's a blank slate. I can't seem to read him at all"

"Well that's no good. I wish he would tell us what was going on with him. Does he not trust us to accompany him in his troubles?", I sighed.

"I'm afraid not"

I don't know what it is, but I sense this grave danger close by. It's been becoming more intese lately and I think the captain may be sensing the same thing. Maybe that's why he hasn't been talking as much.

"We should investigate"

"Elaine, please stop doing that"

"I'm sorry Princess. I just want to get to the bottom of this. Ban is stressing out just as much and I don't like it when he's stressed. We should try talking to Merlin about this and see if she can locate the threat"

"What do you think the threat might be?"

"No clue, but it can't be far"

Merlin P.O.V

"Absolutely not. My skills won't be used for something so trivial"

Couldn't they wait a couple more weeks, so the captain could've handled this himself.

"But Merlin, I am certain that this is beyond important. This danger I've been sensing seems greater than any other. I'm afraid we might be a target"

"If we were a target I would know Lady Elizabeth, so please allow me to finish my work"

She seemed sad from my response, but I swore to the Captain that I would keep my promise. As for the Elaine, I made sure to cast a spell where she can't read my mind nor my intentions. That would ruin everything.

"Please assure me that Sir Meliodas is safe and isn't being threatened in any way"

I looked at Elizabeth with every bit of sincerity to make sure I wasn't setting off any alarm in her mind, "He's taking care of it"

"Ok. I'll take your word for it", she frowned and turned away to leave my work space. The Captain should've known that the Princess would sense such a strong aura. Even I can feel the danger it emanates.

It's only a matter of time before we're targets. The Captain swore to me he will take care of the situation, but I'm starting to have my doubts. I give it three days before everything we've worked on becomes useless.

I've been around for a long time and even I know the Captain struggles, so this situation doesn't ease me one bit.

He needs to hurry.

Damien P.O.V

*3 hours later*

"Is that what they call themselves? The seven deadly sins", I looked at the posters and recognized one of them.

Ban. The sin of greed.


"What? You know one of them or something?", asked my partner.

"Yeah. The man named Ban looks awfully familiar. Last time I checked he was a human, so I'm not sure if he's still alive"

"Well that's no help. We can't ask a corpse questions", she huffed.

"Your right. We should continue searching for Amon. I'm positive we'll find them within the next three days"

"Not if they're onto us. They would flee with nothing in hand just to avoid being caught. A coward"

I sighed at her comment. She allowed our friends to infiltrate her mind with nothing but false information. Amon was no coward. If you heard the stories then you would know they were everything but that.

Amon is someone who fled thousands of years ago to finish their life in tranquillity. Someone says that they never made it and died, but others believe that they are hidden in secret and living amongst the humans.

I believe they're here with the humans as well. Humans aren't very smart, so it's unlikely for them to notice someone like Amon living right under their noses.

"Amon isn't a coward", I mumbled.

Ava wasn't hearing it. She plugged both her ears like a child and walked off back to our table. We were in a tavern nearby and the food here is gross, but the drinks were great.

"Would you stop being childish? It was your idea we go alone and search for them. I wanted a team. Not a duo", I continued.

"All they would've done was hold us back. We're both the most qualified for this, so I don't see the need for more people"

"Your impossible", I groaned.

A lady walked up to our table and gave us some more ale. I thanked the woman and Ava seemed to be stuck?

"Ava? Don't be rude"

"No its fine really. I hope I didn't give you the wrong drink ma'am", the blue haired girl panicked.

"You...your name? What's your name?", she asked.

"I'm Elizabeth", she smiled.

"Elizabeth huh? Well I'm Ava. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for staring so hard. You just look like someone I know", she tried to laugh it off, but I was already questioning her decisions. Why is she acting weird all of a sudden.

"It's nice to meet you too Ava. I have to get going, but if you two need anything just call me over, ok?"

She rushed over to other tables and Ava's eyes followed. What does she know?

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