Hurry Up

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Ava P.O.V

"Who's to say that's a bad thing?"

The fairy behind Ban, looked at me with a jealous look and huffed loudly.

"If you two are done flirting can I please get my food. I've been waiting for 20 minutes"

"Yeah me too! I haven't gotten my food yet either. What's the hold up?!"

Two people began to complain about the wait, but I couldn't care less. I came here for one thing. Answers.

"Don't you see I'm cooking it? Be a little nicer to the cook and maybe I'll speed up the process", Ban snarled.

The male scoffed and went back to his table, but the girl stayed. Ban took notice of this and gave her the side eye, "Not a fan of staring", he said.

"Not a fan of waiting", she retorted.

"The food will be ready in 5, is that good enough for ya?", he asked annoyed.

"As long as it's cooked all the way, I don't mind at all", she shrugged.

She kicked both her feet up on the counter, causing Damien to move his arms leftward.

"It's not sanitary to put your feet up like that. This is a dining place", said Damien.

"Are you telling me what to do?", her eyebrows raised up in a cocky manner, causing me to think she wanted to start trouble.

Who does she think she is?

"Not at all", he coward.

Come on Damien. Your gonna let a girl like that talk down on you?

"What he meant to say was, have a little respect. Your feet smell and I'd prefer to keep my appetite", I spat.

"Oh is that so? Am I ruining your love fest? Blondie in the back seems to not like you flirting with her boyfriend, so how about you show some respect?"

"Is that them? The two that wants to meet us?", I heard a female voice say in the background.

I looked over my shoulder to see the rest of the sins huddled around Meliodas, pointing our direction.

He nodded and they all walked our way, introducing themselves.

"And I'm Diane"

Would've thought she was a bit taller than 5'5. Isn't she supposed to be part of the giant race?

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Ava and this is my friend Damien. We're researchers and wanted to see if the legends were true. You all are absolute hero's", I smiled.

Got to put on a show.

"Hero's indeed. How did you all group back together?", Damien asked.

"Long story, but to keep it short, the King needs us for some important business", answered Meliodas.

"Important business you say? Would it be intrusive if I asked what is so important that he needs all seven sins to accompany him?", I asked.

"That's information I can't speak on, but I'll let you in on a little secret"

"Oh? And that would be?"

"There's these really bad people and we're the secret weapon", he whispered.

How childish could he be? If I wanted to hear the obvious I would've stayed home with Damien and hear him ramble on while he's drunk.

"Isn't that exciting. All seven sins being the saviors they were meant to be. You all are truly the most capable, so I wish you luck on this journey of yours", I cheered.

"Your to kind. Enough about us, what is it you two research on?", asked the black haired woman.

"Different species and their cultures. We're a big ally when it comes to diversity, so we'd thought why not meet you all. You guys are a mixture of almost everything right?", Damien replied.

"Yup! Just about. I'm part of the giant race, Merlin's a witch, King's a fairy and Gowther, Ban, Meliodas and Escanor are humans", Dian answered.

"Fascinating. What is it like working with each other? Do you guys have different views when it comes to battles? Has there been anything that has stopped you because of a personal belief within your community?", Damien asked in amazement.

"We have a handbook, so we all have a good grasp on how to work as whole without any problems", Merlin answered.

"A handbook? I would've never thought. When was this handbook written? Who wrote it? All of you?"

"I'm sorry about his excessive questioning. He's just been reeeeeally looking forward to meeting you guys", I apologized.

"No worries at all. We actually have to go out and get some more groceries, but if you guys are still here when we get back, I can answer some more question for you", said Diane.

"That would be great, thanks. We'll be right here", I smiled.

They all nodded and left out. Meliodas stayed along with Merlin, but they went upstairs. Guess that leaves us back with Ban.

I looked over to the tall male and spoke, "I would've never guessed you were a human. You sins have been around for a while, so that would mean you would be middle aged at least. You don't look a day over 23, so what's your secret?"

"Wouldn't be a secret if I told you, now would it"

"He's right. Secrets are secrets for a reason", Damien mumbled.

"You say that as if I don't know what a secret is. I just wanted to see if he was willing to tell us", I grumbled back.

We just have to stay here for another hour or so and soon enough we'll have our answers. Meliodas is upstairs with Merlin and Ban wouldn't dare let us go up there without intervening. I need to find a way for him to come back down here.

I told Damien I would bring up the conversation, so I just need a starting point. Think Ava, think.

What is something that will bring him back downstairs without it seeming intentional?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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