A Lead

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Ava P.O.V

"It's nice to meet you too Ava. I have to get going, but if you two need anything just call me over, ok?"

We nodded and she walked off.


I looked up to see Damien with an angered expression. Who pissed in his drink?

"What do you mean spill?", I asked cautiously.

"Don't act dumb. You know her. How?"

"No I don't. She just looks like someone I used to know. The resemblance is uncanny, but rest assured that haven't met this woman in my life. If I have, then you would think she would recognize me", I said.

"Hm...ok fine. Let's say you are telling the truth. Who does she remind you of?"

"A girl named Violet. She was in charge of territory within the west coast. I worked with her for a couple years and one day she just left. I wasn't aware until the next day. No one knows where she went. That girl looks almost identical. I wouldn't be surprised if she changed her appearance to hide her face from the rest of the demon race. I guess you consider her to be a runaway"

"I'll take your word for it. If I come to find out your lying, I have no other choice but to kill you. Understand?"

"Ha! As if. You don't have the balls"

"But I do have the strength. Push me to my limits and you'll see for yourself. Is that something you want to experience? Death by colleague?", he said it so sinister. Was he really standing behind his words?

"Of course not. It would suck to be killed by someone as annoying as you. I'd rather be the cause of my own death if you want me to be frank", I scoffed.

"Then it's settled. You better hope you speak the truth because your words are embedded in my memory for the next millennia"

He got up from his seat and went to what I assume was a bathroom. Just as he was doing that, a familiar face came down stairs with an apron on.

"Hey Princess, have you seen master?", the tall man scratched the back of his head, looking around and suddenly made eye contact with me.

"Your him", I whispered in shock.

Today just got a hell a lot more interesting.

Elizabeth P.O.V

"Hey Princess, have you seen master?"

Oh it's Ban. I thought he didn't want to work tonight since Elaine was feeling more down than usual.

"Hawk should be around here somewhere", I stopped what I was doing and went searching for the talkative creature.

"Hey listen here pal! I may be scraps disposal, but that doesn't mean to eat like a pig and make a mess everywhere!"

Oh dear. I found him.

"Hey master. I know it's the captains food, so it's not as tasty, but my shift starts now. Be nicer to the customers will ya. We need the business", said Ban.

"A talking pig? Well you don't see that everyday", the customer laughed.

Hawk let out an annoyed huff and walked off to the nearest food scraps.

"I hope Hawk isn't to mad. I know sir Meliodas isn't the best cook, but he tries"

"The master isn't mad. Just hungry is all. I'll make sure to make him something nice. Kinda like an apology for all that slob he had to eat for the past hour", Ban spoke.

"I wouldn't call his cooking slob", I said sympathetically.

"I would. The Captain really lacks in the food department. You would think after a couple of years he would've learned, but I don't think he's catching on"

"He will soon...I think. Well I better get back to work. Since your cooking I'm sure more people will be ordering food. It will do us good for the rest of the night"

Ban nodded and went behind the counter to start cooking.

Just as I was about to head to accompany some guest, the girl from earlier walked up to me with a huge smile.

"Well well well. It looks like you and that Ban guy are close. I see the way he looks at you", she teased.

"Oh no! It's not like that at all", I said frantically.

"Don't worry Elizabeth. There's nothing to be worried about. Your secret is safe with me"

"You got it all wrong. Me and Ban aren't like that. He's just a friend that I care about. Nothing more", I said.

"Oh really? Is that why he looks at you like that", she said pointing at Ban, who looked our way and gave nothing but a nod.

"I don't think I understand? Do you think he's showing affection towards me", I asked confused.

"Oh come on. I can spot it all the way from my seat. I think he likes you"

"I'm afraid he isn't my type"

"Your type? I see you as the one to like bad guys. Does he not fit the criteria"

"Bad guys? I uh- I wouldn't say I like bad guys. I just have my heart set on someone else"

"Oh and who would that be? Someone you work with? That's how most love stories start. Usually someone in a higher position"

"Don't say it like that", I blushed.

"Don't tell me? *gasp* is it your boss? This is gold, I must know everything now"

"I mean he's not my boss. Well- he is, but he isn't. I met him months ago and he asked me to work here with him and he- I- I don't know"

"Sounds like your having a hard time. Who is this mystery man. If he's the boss then I should tell him that the food here sucks", she laughed.

"He's actually the one that made the food. I'm aware his cooking isn't the greatest, but he really does try with his new recipes"

"Not hard enough. Is it that bald guy that shoved passed me earlier? I would love to give him a nice beating"

"No. The owner is actually blonde. He's upstairs working on something, but he should be down here soon. His name is Sir Meliodas"

Her smiling face widened even more. She even had this gleam in her eyes as if she just found something she wanted.

"Are you ok? You seem as if your gazing off", I asked concerned.

She laughed and shook her head, "I'm fine thanks. You think I can meet him?"

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