Fill Me In

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"Princess, we must get you somewhere safe immediately"

Sakura knew nothing about what was going on, only that she had to be hidden.

"This is a bit foolish. I can take care of myself"

"Princess please. Your father had ordered us to-"

"My words were I can take care of myself. Now all of you out of my room now or else I'll have him fire each and every one of you"

The guards were upset and quite frankly stuck. Their majesty had told them one thing, but Sakura invaded their minds with new requests.

"You heard the princess. We will exit as demanded", one of the guards spoke.

The only reason Sakura had given them the task of leaving her bedroom solely relied on the girl hiding in her bathroom closet.

Kana couldn't help herself, she felt deprived of her lovers touch and wouldn't finish the day unless she got some kisses and hugs.

The guards removed themselves from the room, giving Kana the opportunity to greet her love once more with several smooches.

"How long do you think they'll be gone", Kana said in between kisses.

"I give it 30 minutes until they're ordered back here again. So if your gonna-"

"Well let's not waste time *pushes Sakura onto bed* those guards are pretty alert because of that war outside"

"Wait war?"

"Oh uh- well yeah. There's a war going on and I don't want you being stressed, so-"

"You decided if I didn't know, I wouldn't have anything to worry about"


"I can't believe this"

"Sakura, your doing exactly what I didn't want you do"

"What? Panic?"

"Yes, so would you please just relax. I am here and you better believe that as long as I live, no one will ever harm you"

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Everybody that ever says that usually isn't there while that person dies. You basically just jinxed us"

"I'm being serious babe"

"Don't call me that. You know how much I hate that word"

"I'm sorry, but in all seriousness I would appreciate if you didn't stress so much. Your father has it all under control"

"Since when did you have faith in my fathers political choices"

"Ok maybe I'm not the most supportive over his decisions, but I am positive that your father has this under control. If it means keeping you safe, then he'll do anything in his power to put this war to an end"

"You mean that?"

"I do.  Now we just wasted quality time chatting. Permission to please you?"

The princess bit her lip, excited for the soon to come pleasure her girlfriend was gonna give her, "Permission granted"


2 hours later, the Princess was taken out the castle to be hidden in a nearby bunker. Without Sakura's knowledge, Kana followed close behind, just to make sure she was somewhere safe.

Not to her surprise, they put Sakura in the most noticeable hiding spot, "Amateurs"

Kana didn't have much time, she's actually in hiding herself. Ever since she had ran away, she had to be very cautious of her surroundings.

It doesn't help that a war is going on because their prime enemy is none other than the demon race. They're out for blood and to her disadvantaged, they're out for traitors too.

All Kana could do was hope the guards knew how to do their job because she couldn't stay long to protect her. No one else will do it if all seven hearts of hers are crushed, so this is for the best.

"Not the best hiding spot", a voice murmured from behind.

Without hesitation, Kana swung her hand back hoping to get a grip on the unknown stranger. Her attempt failed only to be stopped by a block of darkness.

"Were you following me or something?", Kana questioned with annoyance.

"Why of course. Your scent is rather unique now. Smells a hell a lot like that princess"

"How do you know how she smells?"

"Your kidding right? Her scent is exactly like 1,000 years ago when we went against the Supreme Deity. Why ask such weird questions?"

"Supreme Deity? I don't recall ever battling it out with the Supreme Deity"

"Then you must've lost part of your memory. It was actually your idea to fight her. Saying that her powers were overlooked by the demon race and thought maybe since you were more aware you could defeat her in battle. But obviously because your a demon, you played some dirty tricks and ambushed her with us only to be casted away. We didn't know where you were casted off to so we've been on the look since. It's been 1,000 years and now you smell like that no good angel"

"Casted away? 1,000 years? What none sense are you-"

"I speak no lies. The Supreme Deity must've erased some memories. Maybe you were actually onto something and she knew of your boundless knowledge, threatened of your plans to take her down"

"This is a lot of new found information attacking me at once. So your telling me that the Princess down there knows me? Knew me? Before she approached me in the forest?"

"I'm afraid so. I'm surprised she hasn't killed you. Your number one priority when it comes to death in terms of the angels. They despise you and wish for you to be killed"

"That can't be true. She doesn't know me at all. I am simply a demon she has fallen in love with", Kana was enraged yet deeply shooken from her friends words.

"She obviously has you fooled. This could all be part of a bigger plan to have you meet your demise. Don't trust her. You must save yourself before we lose one of our highest ranked demons"

"S-She isn't fooling me. I am not somebody who can be fooled easily"

"If that's the case, then why not ask the princess herself. If she really isn't plotting your downfall then ask her for her necklace. She can't hide time"

Confused by their statement, she still pondered the meaning of those four words. She can't hide time. And Indeed she can't.

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