Tell Me The Truth

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Days passed. Endless nights of mind boggling information renewing itself, "She must've known"

Not taking this well, Kana grabs her jacket and heads to the castle where Sakura was located.

A guard stopped her dead in her tracks, "we allow no visitors in the middle of war"

War was the least of her worries. Her mission was to find out the truth and all this guard is doing is holding her back.

Not wanting to waste more time, Kana simply killed the guard. It was still in her nature and she found no wrong to it. He was in the way.

Taking the same route that she always uses to sneak into her forbidden lover room, she tapped on the window glass in exchange for her attention.

The princess eyes glances over quickly wondering who would be knocking at her glass at 7:00 in the morning.

"Open. Now. Or I'll scream for everyone to hear", there was no sarcasm or bluffing in the demons words. Only pure rage. Kana was determined to receive answers.

The princess opened her window not wanting any problems for the day.

Kana crawled into the room with haste. Through gritted teeth the demon spoke, "Spill"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Stop playing with me Sakura"

"I'm not playing with-"

"Yes you are. Tell me why your messing with my heart. Explain how you know me and yet you look at me as if we just met and fell in love. This isn't something I will take lightly, so choose your words with caution"

"Kana your making no sense"

"I make complete sense. You just want to continue this charade of yours in order to keep me in line. This is foolish. I will not have an Angel toy with my existence"

"Who put this idea into your head. I would never do such a thing"

"Your necklace"


"Your necklace. Let me see it"

"Kana I'm sorry but...I don't feel comfortable giving you my necklace"

"I am a woman who will respect your boundaries, but know this. If you won't willingly give me your necklace I have no choice, but to go through with my plan from 1,000 years ago"

"Wait don't!"

"So you know? Damnit! You knew all this time and yet you continued to string me along as if I were some lost puppy dog"

"That's not it at all and you know it"

"DO I! Do I know that the Princess is so madly in love with me that she wouldn't tell a lie through her teeth just to have me stay under her control"

"I will not be accused of such a idiotic assumption. I love you and you know I wouldn't dare play with you"

"Love? *laughs in pain* love? If you loved me you would've told me that you knew me. Reminded me of all the events that occurred years ago"

"Did it ever occur to you why I haven't told you these things. That maybe there was something bigger behind all this"

"Don't try to scramble my head with bullshit. I am aware of everything. What you don't know is I have my memory back"

" do?"

"Yes. I do. So if you wish to continue with your lies then know I will not believe a word you say"

"All of it. The war. The fairies. The-"

"I'm not a fan of repeating myself"

"Kana you have to listen to me. I don't-"

"What makes you think I would listen to you after you just told multiple lies through your lips. I will do no such thing"

"Kana please", tears began to glide down the princesses face, but it was to late. Kana was through with listening.

Instead of choking up words, hoping for Kana to listen, she unclipped her necklace and gave it to her.

"I will not fight you for it back. Keep it"

Kana snatched the necklace with no remorse of her rudeness, "This will be the last time you ever see me"

Sakura nodded in understanding. She knew this time would come and there was no doubt that Kana was gonna find out everything there was to know.

"This all could've played out differently"

A hitched breath and wide eyes, flashbacks of 1,000 years ago played back into Kana's mind.

A woman who looked just like Sakura held up a white flower. A bright smile plastered on her face, laughing beautifully from who knows what.

"It's funny how white is so pure. The purer you are the more easy it is to destroy you", said the woman.

"Why say such dark things. Have we been hanging out too much?", laughed Kana.

"Not nearly enough I'm afraid. You are somebody I can't live without, you know? As ironic as it may sound I rather live through eternal darkness than light without you"

"Don't be so dramatic"

"I am very much serious. Now hold my hands and spin me around"

"You say the most random of things"

"It's a beautiful day and it makes me feel like I'm flying"

"Your an Angel dear. You have wings", Kana reminded.

"But I'm holding onto your hands. It makes it 10 times better", the Angel smirked.

"Why do I feel like there's more to this"

"You absolutely love to dig deeper and even though I adore it in the bedroom, it seems a bit invasive under these terms"

"Sorry for asking. I don't mean to be invasive"

"No its fine. It's just...when you hold my hands and spin me around you hold my hands so tight without even knowing. It's like your afraid to let go and I find confort in that. I feel the wind press against my body and I fear nothing. I just see your beautiful smile as you spin me around. It's magical in a way"

"Making me blush are we?"

"I'd rather be making you scream, but my father has me under 24/7 patrol. This war really has him worried"

"As for the war, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. As long as I live, nobody will lay a hand on you"

The Angel smiled warmly, laying her head against her lovers shoulder, "Promise?"

Not knowing this was gonna be one of the last few words she was ever gonna say to her, she spoke with confidence and ease, "Always"

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