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A/N: To clear things up, any chapters relating to Kana and Sakura are from the past. Meliodas and the rest of the sins, along with Damien and Ava are in the present.

If you have any questions just comment or message me and I'll be glad to clear any confusion.

Ava P.O.V

(The Next Day)

"So your telling me that you want to turn Meliodas in? HE'S THE DEMON KING'S SON! How do you supposed we even get close enough to restrain him?"

Damien was supposed to be the smart one, so how did someone as brilliant as him come up with such an idiotic idea.

"Think Ava. We can blackmail him. If he refuses to give us information about Amon, then we'll threaten him"

"Ah yes. The old 'threaten the heir of the Demon Clan" trick. An oldie, but a goodie"

"I'm being serious. It could work"

"Do you hear yourself? Let's say we could blackmail him, who the hell do we tell? All the important demons are being held captive in the angels arcs. Do you not remember?"

"Yes I do, so that's why I came up with a plan. We bring the demons back"

"And you were worried about me getting off track? Your insisting we bring back all those demons and wreak havoc? It will be impossible to tell where Amon is if we do that"

"That's where your wrong. The original story of Amon leads me to believe that if the demon race was brought back upon humanity, they would show their face. If we do this, then Amon can be easily tracked down"

"To be clear, you want to blackmail Meliodas, bring back the demon race and then find Amon?"


"Damien, your a researcher. What good is all this?"

"This is literal gold! If we bring back the demon race, then we could pursue my investigation with haste. No more waiting because all our answers will be right in front of us. We'll hold all the power. They will be pleased to know we brought them back and Meliodas would have no choice, but to answer all our questions"

"Do you even know how to break the seal?"

"Yes, I've been doing a lot of digging and I think I will be able to do it correctly with no flaws"

"If you don't, then you understand that all this progress we've made will turn to dust?"

"I know, that's why I need your help"

"With what?"

"With obtaining angelic blood"

My eyes widened in disbelief. He wants me to obtain angelic blood?

"I need an Angel in order to do that?", my words laced in confusion.

"I'm well aware of what you need. It's gonna be hard because angels have distanced themselves far from the humans, so I need you to go searching"

"Your asking me to do the impossible"

"I'm asking you to trust me. There's bound to be an Angel down here somewhere. You just have to find them" know, don't you?

Ban P.O.V

"Don't be silly Elizabeth, nothing is wrong"

The Captain can be such a liar, but a good one. I don't know what the hell he's worried about, but it has to be something serious if he's worried about it.

I looked around the tavern to see if I can spot any threat, but nothing sparked my attention. Just a bunch of drunk people eating food, nothing out of the ordinary.

The Princess seems a bit stressed as well, but why? What are they sensing that I don't?

"I'm surprised you don't feel it"


I turned around to see Elaine flying behind me with a worried look. Oh no, not her too.

"What do you mean? What's everyone so worked up for?", I asked.

"There's danger nearby, but we don't know where it's coming from", she answered.

Danger? I don't sense danger?

"I don't feel it. Only thing I'm feeling right now is sober. I could use a drink or two", I said.

"You have to keep your guard up. I heard two people are supposed to be coming down here today and the Captain isn't too pleased"

"Let me guess, you were snooping"

"Yes because Princess Elizabeth was worried", she huffed.

"How cute. You were worried for your friend"

"Your missing the point. Two people are coming here today and are possible threats"

"Ok and the Captain will handle it", I reminded.

"I'm afraid to tell you this Ban, but-"

"Hey hey hey, we're here!", two people walked in, to which I recognized as yesterday's customers. I mean I usually don't remember people, but the girl made an impression.

They can't be the threat, right? They don't seem all that threatening.

"Welcome in you two. Like I promised, I'll introduce you to everybody. While I get them, take seat. Ban, mind fixing them up something, foods on me"

The Captain smiled and gave me a thumbs up before leaving upstairs to get everyone else.

"Hey you *points at the girl* mind telling me what the hell you meant yesterday? I think you said something along the lines of 'your him' with a stupid look on your face", I spoke.

"Oh! Sorry about that. I saw your face on the poster and was surprised to see that a sin worked here. Your the sin of greed right?"


"Well that's cool. How did you become the sin of greed?"

"Long story short, I wanted some magic water and an important forest burnt down"

" how does that-"

"That's all the information I'm spilling. Mind telling me why the Captain is bringing everyone down here to meet you guys? That's weird and suspicious", I said bluntly.

"We're just curious to know more about the seven deadly sins. You guys are known to be criminals, but me and my friend here see you guys as hero's"

"Hero's huh? You think I'll believe that bullshit?"

"You don't have to believe it for it to be true", she said slickly.

"Humph, alright. Tell me this, what makes us hero's? Haven't you heard, we're the ones that killed the Great Holy Knight"

"Don't you mean framed? Me and my friend here are actually researchers, so we did a little digging. Anybody with more than two brain cells would be able to tell that you guys were set up, but the question is, by who?"

"Your smart. That means your dangerous"

"Who's to say that's a bad thing?", she smirked.

Elaine has a point. They may be trouble.

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