Chapter 22

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"FINE! FINE! I GIVE UP! I SURRENDER!" Baekhyun erupted into laughter, struggling to control his mirth. The sight of Taeyeon's antics was enough to keep him laughing indefinitely, though he knew he had to regain his composure.

As her onslaught of playful hits ceased, he grinned, his amusement undeterred. Her feeble attempts at hitting were far from painful, and he found a certain charm in her actions. "You're so light-handed, it barely tickles," he teased between chuckles.

Unperturbed by his jest, Taeyeon continued to smack him lightly. "HAHAHAHA okay okay! Stop!" Baekhyun's laughter reverberated as he deftly evaded her hits, dodging side to side on the bed.

However, Taeyeon's ire outweighed any amusement she might have elicited. Feeling drained and somewhat out of breath, she sank onto the couch, her anger giving way to exhaustion. The stinging sensation in her palm only added to her frustration.

With a final bout of laughter, Baekhyun's amusement shifted into a contented sigh. "I've prepared breakfast. Let's eat before it gets cold." He rose from the bed, extending his hand towards her, an expectant gesture that was met with no response.

She stood up without taking his hand, a subtle action that didn't go unnoticed by Baekhyun.

She's in one of her moods.

Navigating the distance to the dining area, he watched as she moved to pull the chair out for herself. Before she could do so, Baekhyun swiftly pulled the chair out for her, a gentle gesture inviting her to sit.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but crack a smile as a faint blush tinged her cheeks. She found his sudden shift in demeanor a bit amusing, teasingly commenting, "The air suddenly changed. How come?" It was a rare sort of playful comment from her, especially directed towards him.

Baekhyun, undisturbed by her quip, proceeded to serve her breakfast and introduce the spread before her. "Seems like you have a sweet tooth every morning, huh? I've got pancakes, bread and jams, and some fruit salad. Help yourself."

Her fork poised to taste the pancake, a sudden ringtone pierced the air. It was Baekhyun's phone.

His eyes flicked to the screen, then back to her. "Go ahead and eat. I'll take this call," he assured her, rising from his seat and moving to a bit of a distance.

Taeyeon, her hunger overriding any curiosity about the call, obediently focused on her food, her stomach growling.

Baekhyun picked up the call, hearing Suho's voice on the other end.

"Hey, have you seen the article?" Suho's question rang through the line.

"Article?" Baekhyun queried, genuinely puzzled.

"Search your name and you'll find out. Just be more cautious in the future." Suho's tone held a note of warning before he hung up, leaving Baekhyun with a furrowed brow. He returned to the dining area, his expression now tinged with concern.

As Taeyeon continued to enjoy her breakfast, she couldn't help but notice the change in Baekhyun's demeanor. His expression was hard to miss, and she felt an urge to inquire about the call, yet she restrained herself. Who was she to pry into his business? So she focused on her meal, trying to push aside any curiosity she might have.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, was busy searching the news, his brows furrowing as he came across an article.

"SM Couple Spotted on Romantic Date at Highlands Park"

The words on the screen caught his attention, and he clicked on the article, images accompanying the text. The images depicted them enjoying the city view, their backs turned to the camera, and another capturing a moment of them hugging. The article went on to mention their respective projects and upcoming releases.

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