Chapter 1

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"At this moment?" Heechul shot a quick glance at Byun Baekhyun before pivoting away, creating a growing distance between them. Yet, even with the distance, the words carried over. "Alright, alright. We'll be there in less than an hour," he muttered, his phone lowering from his ear.

"You got another commitment, hyung?" Baekhyun inquired. He had assumed Heechul was free, thinking they were enjoying some quality guy time.

"Not exactly a formal engagement. Taeyeon wants me to swing by her place. That quirky house freak probably craves a companion," Heechul remarked.

Baekhyun's brow furrowed, latching onto a single word in Heechul's comment. "Did you just refer to her as a quirky house freak?"

"The term 'House Fairy' is a bit too conventional for her taste. I find 'house freak' more fitting," Heechul declared, settling back into the café's couch.

"You should go, keep her company," Baekhyun suggested, taking a casual sip of his Iced Americano as his gaze drifted out of the café's glass wall, offering a view of the pleasant weather outside.

"Why don't you join me?"

Baekhyun's attention snapped back to Heechul, his expression morphing into one of puzzlement. "What?"

"Come along," Heechul repeated, his tone devoid of teasing.

Could he be serious?

"Seriously, can't you see I'm giving you the chance?"

"But hyung, you're aware that she-"

Heechul displayed Baekhyun's wallet and phone playfully in his hand. "You didn't bring your car. Wallet's in my possession, which means no funds for a cab. Your phone's right here, hence you can't dial someone to fetch you. It's a solid drive from here to your penthouse, let alone if you decide to walk. The decision lies with you, pride or affection." Heechul rose from his seat, offering Baekhyun's shoulder a pat before striding away.

"I'm not exactly known for my patience, so I'll give you a ten-second head start before I hit the gas. Dead serious," Heechul interjected, his tone firm.

Baekhyun let out a chuckle, rising from his seat. Classic Heechul.

With the front seat's door ajar, Baekhyun hopped in. "Looks like you're picking love over pride."

"I never said that. It's more like I've got no other options. You're just wickedly crafty," Baekhyun retorted, playfully jabbing Heechul's arm.

Just earlier, she had treated him like he was carrying a contagious disease, scurrying away as if she'd encountered a horrifying monster. Now, how was he supposed to face her?

She'd probably shoo him away without a second thought.

Yet, a niggling thought inside him resisted that notion. Something about her didn't seem to align with such a heartless reaction. She exuded kindness.

"Where's her penthouse?" Baekhyun inquired, attempting to quell the shivers dancing down his spine.

"We're not heading to her penthouse. She's at her actual house," Heechul clarified.

Actual house?

"Jeonju?" The drive to Jeonju was substantial, and if she was there with her family, she wouldn't have bothered Heechul.

"Gangnam, actually! You see, she has a house tucked near the woods. It's like a hidden gem, invisible from the main road as you pass by," Heechul explained.

Baekhyun nodded. "Who else lives there besides her?"

"No one. She only retreats there during long breaks or if she's got a clear schedule for about three days. The only insiders are her fellow members, family, yours truly, and oh, her boyfriend."

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