Chapter 14

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"Hello?" Byun Baekhyun idly held his phone, staring at the screen as an unknown number flashed on it. He contemplated for a moment, then answered the call. His eyes were drooping as he was on the brink of drifting into slumber, but the sound of her voice jolted him awake. It was as if the fatigue he had been wrestling with for hours suddenly dissipated, replaced by a surge of alertness and anticipation.

He had to admit that a flicker of excitement danced within him, rousing him from his comfortable bed. It had been three weeks since she had sent him that meal, but communication between them hadn't ceased—it was a regular occurrence now.

Baekhyun had to admit that he found satisfaction in these interactions. Yet, the issue was becoming clearer: the more she entered his life, the less he seemed to get his fill of her. This unquenchable yearning was beginning to feel unhealthy, a realization he couldn't ignore any longer.

Still, he couldn't prevent her from showing up; their work schedules aligned, and they were practically bound to encounter each other.

"Right now. Han River," the voice on the other end spoke, breaking the silence when his reply was absent. Without waiting for him to respond, she hung up.

His 28-year-old self was taken aback. This was the first time in years that she had called him, and it was the first time in years that she had initiated a meeting. The implications spun around his mind as he considered why she would call so late at night, with a sudden, urgent "let's meet."

Thoughts whirled within him, but her words—especially "right now"—snapped him out of his reverie. She was already there, at their designated meeting spot by the Han River.

His mental musings evaporated as he processed that fact. With a renewed sense of purpose, Byun Baekhyun grabbed his keys and jacket, slipped into his slippers, and dashed to his car. Five minutes might not seem like much, but in his mind, time was of the essence. He conjured an image of her, looking weary and pale from her demanding schedule, waiting for him. That mental image was all the motivation he needed to drive quickly, yet cautiously.

Less than five minutes later, he arrived at the Han River. Parking his car beside hers, he was about to step out when her car door opened, revealing a fatigued figure draped in an oversized dark blue sweater. She entered his car without a word.

The familiar and delicate fragrance that was distinctly hers began to permeate the car, mingling with the usual interior scent.

"You can stop now," Kim Taeyeon uttered as she closed the door, her tone uncharacteristically straightforward.

"Sorry?" Byun Baekhyun blinked, his confusion palpable. He regarded her, trying to piece together the puzzle of her words.

"For being my damn guardian angel," Taeyeon reiterated, her tone holding a mixture of frustration and resignation.

Guardian angel. The phrase hung in the air, laden with meaning.

It had been exactly three weeks—twenty-one days—since she had come crashing into his life with a series of mishaps. There hadn't been a single day during that stretch when Taeyeon hadn't found herself in some sort of trouble. And, unfailingly, it had been Byun Baekhyun who had appeared each time to rescue her from the clutches of misfortune.

Taeyeon had been panting from a sprint—Baekhyun handed her water.

She had stumbled and nearly fallen victim to her own clumsiness—Baekhyun had been her steady support.

She had left her phone behind and was about to step out of her car to retrieve it—Baekhyun had been at her side, phone in hand.

When she had felt sick and vulnerable—Baekhyun had dashed to the pharmacy to fetch her medications.

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