Chapter 9

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Kim Taeyeon found herself seated at the dining table, a spread of American dishes before her, prepared by none other than her partner. Her eyes scanned the array of food, bewildered by the sheer quantity of the offerings. It seemed he had gone to great lengths to set the stage for a romantic evening, complete with candles and flowers. This setup was undeniably reminiscent of a date night.

"Hon, I told you, I couldn't eat much," she murmured, her gaze flitting between the abundant dishes and the busy figure of her partner, who was meticulously arranging everything to perfection. The situation was amusing in its extravagance, given that it was just the two of them.

He responded, urging her to eat more. "Eat more, at least. Your company wouldn't know anyway."

She quirked an eyebrow, her amusement evident. "You even prepared all of these. What's going on?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. There didn't seem to be any significant occasion for this grand gesture. Both of their birthdays had already passed, their anniversary was three months away, and it certainly wasn't their monthly milestone.

Observing his expression shift from cheerful to serious, she became all the more intrigued. "What?" she probed, a sense of confusion settling in. The sudden transformation in his demeanor left her questioning whether something was afoot.

"Just eat. Let's say I just missed you," he offered, a smile tugging at his lips as he finally took a seat across from her.

She glanced at the salad on her plate, then back at his face, a mixture of amusement and curiosity playing in her eyes. "I don't think that's reason enough," she teased, her lips forming a playful pout. She met his gaze, her curiosity driving her to seek answers. "Did you do something that might make me angry, so you prepared all of this to ease your guilt?"

His smile held a hint of mischief as he reached across the table to briefly hold her hand. "Wait, I'll go get you something." He stood, striding away momentarily.

Her mind raced, attempting to recall what he might have done to merit this elaborate gesture. She was still lost in thought when he reappeared, clutching two familiar boxes.

"Here," he declared with evident delight, placing the boxes on the table before her. "I wouldn't miss it, of course, for my lady." Her gaze shifted from his face to the boxes, recognition dawning.

Twinkies and pop tarts.

Her lips curled into a genuine smile, touched by the sentiment and the thoughtfulness of his gesture. Amidst the playful mood, she felt a warmth within her, appreciating the efforts he had gone to simply to make her smile.

"I'm getting more certain about this. Tell me something I need to know," Taeyeon declared, her tone holding a blend of curiosity and assertiveness. While not possessive, she had her reasons for wanting to be well-informed.

Dean regarded her with a mixture of amusement and confusion, his brow furrowing slightly. "I think I have an idea of what you're thinking. You suspect there's something involving another girl?" He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Jealous, are we?"

She shook her head, her expression defiant. "Definitely not. You know me better than that." Her brows drew together in a playful scowl as she looked away, feigning disinterest.

His touch on her hands, followed by his fingers gently grazing her cheek, turned her attention back to him. His voice held a reassuring note. "Honey, you know I wouldn't do that, and I can't. My heart and my senses are only attuned to you. They don't work for anyone else. I have no interest in other girls."

She rolled her eyes, a hint of pride evident in her demeanor. "I didn't even mention girls," she retorted, her playful attempt to save face.

"But you're acting like a cute, jealous girlfriend. Is this how you express jealousy? I might start enjoying it," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Should I pretend to be involved with others just to see that expression again—"

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