Chapter 20

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Tears welled up in Taeyeon's eyes, their dampness softening the edges of her vision. A single sob broke the tranquility of the place, a poignant sound that seemed to resonate within the soothing silence that enveloped them. In that moment, their proximity felt like a haven, a refuge from the uncertainties that had clouded their minds.

For several minutes, they remained suspended in time, the only sounds audible being the rhythm of their breaths and the subtle cadence of their heartbeats. It was a rare respite from the cacophony of thoughts that often clamored for their attention, a moment of shared solace that transcended words.

In the midst of her hazy thoughts, Taeyeon found a glimmer of gratitude for the alcohol that had clouded her senses. Though her memories were shrouded in uncertainty, she was able to treasure this fleeting moment of connection, an embrace of comfort and companionship that she hadn't expected to find.

Five minutes passed by in a blink, a brief interlude of not worrying, not overthinking, and simply appreciating the warmth of another's presence. However, as the veil of serenity lifted, the weight of reality returned – the thoughts and doubts that had temporarily receded now surged back to the forefront of their minds.

Breaking the tranquil silence, Baekhyun's voice cut through the air, a simple directive that held layers of complex emotions. "Let's go home." In those few words, a mixture of sentiments lingered, his own feelings a labyrinth that he struggled to navigate.

For Taeyeon, her face flushed with a mixture of emotions, the effects of alcohol heightening her already heightened senses. Her lips curved into a smile, a genuine expression of warmth that illuminated her features. The tears that streaked her cheeks were now irrelevant, overshadowed by the genuine joy that radiated from her.

Unconcerned about the tears on her cheek, Baekhyun reached out and gently wiped them away with his hands, his touch tender and gentle. His actions held a reverence that matched the preciousness of the moment, as if he were touching a treasure beyond measure.

Their gazes met once again, locked in an unspoken exchange that conveyed volumes. Their eyes were windows to their souls, reflecting their shared vulnerabilities and the fleeting connection they had found in each other's presence.

Baekhyun found himself drawn to her lips, their soft and natural pinkness enticing him. However, he quickly reined in his impulses, reminding himself of his role in this moment. He wasn't here to take advantage of her vulnerable state; he was here to provide comfort, a steady presence for her to lean on.

As their eyes continued to hold each other's gaze, Baekhyun acknowledged his internal struggle. He knew that despite their shared history, he needed to uphold his responsibilities. Though he could call her his girlfriend, he couldn't let himself cross boundaries that were inappropriate given the circumstances. He was her solace, her support, and nothing more.

A short while later, Baekhyun gently disengaged himself and shifted his focus. With a guiding hand, he reached for hers and led her towards his car. Every step was a careful maneuver, ensuring that she didn't stumble or collide with anything in her inebriated state. Despite her stumbling and waddling, he patiently guided her, his patience unwavering.

As they approached the cars, Baekhyun briefly assessed Taeyeon's own vehicle before making his way to his own. An idea crossed his mind, and he turned to her. "Can I borrow your phone? I need to contact your manager," he requested, knowing that he couldn't make calls with his own phone.

Taeyeon, now quiet and seemingly on the verge of sleep, wordlessly handed him her phone. Her eyes were closed, and the peaceful stillness that had settled over her was a stark contrast to her earlier drunken behavior. Baekhyun heaved a sigh of relief, grateful for the newfound calmness.

Within moments, he dialed Taeyeon's manager's number, knowing that the hour was late and he might not be fully awake. The manager's groggy voice confirmed that assumption, hinting at a recent slumber that had been interrupted.

"It's late. What's going on?" The manager's voice held a mix of confusion and sleepiness.

Baekhyun cleared his throat, his hesitation evident in his tone. "Hey, it's Baekhyun. Taeyeon's... well, she's a bit drunk."

"Drunk? How did that happen?" The manager's tone became more alert, the sleepiness fading away as concern took its place.

Baekhyun deliberated whether to divulge the whole story – the encounter with Dean, the champagne, and the emotional turmoil that followed. But he opted for a simpler explanation. "I'm not entirely sure. She had about a bottle of champagne, and I don't think she's in any state to drive."

"Let me talk to her."

With a gentle handoff, Baekhyun passed the phone to Taeyeon, his concern for her well-being paramount. "Taeyeon, your manager wants to talk to you," he informed her, his voice carrying a touch of care. However, her response was a simple shake of her head, dismissing the idea of speaking to her manager even in her inebriated state.

The manager's voice, now tinged with exasperation, resonated through the phone, "Give her the phone."

Baekhyun made another attempt, extending the phone towards her, but her reluctance persisted. "She's not in a state to take the call right now. She's pretty out of it."

A sigh of frustration emerged from the manager's end. "Just ensure she gets home safely. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Baekhyun's nod was unobservable over the phone, but his response was clear, "Absolutely. I'll make sure she's safe."

With that, the conversation concluded, and Baekhyun shifted his focus to the immediate task at hand, ensuring Taeyeon's safe journey back home.

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