Chapter 16

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"What do you think you're doing?!" A fiery Kim Taeyeon dragged her so-called 'controversial boyfriend' into an empty practice room, hidden away from prying eyes.

She demanded answers. She needed an explanation for the chaotic situation they had been thrown into.

"I'm sorry, W-we can't do anything about it. But, I can find a way, I... I will," Byun Baekhyun stammered, his back pressed against the wall mirror, a tangible tension emanating from Taeyeon. Anger had made her physically stronger, as she pushed him against the wall.

Yet, her irritation grew even more as his words, meant to be reassuring, sounded hollow. His attempts at encouragement fell flat, only fueling her anger.

"I'm not talking about that absurd dating confirmation! What possessed you to manipulate the situation? Your words were a lie! What the hell do you think you're scheming?" Her voice escalated into a shout, a means of releasing her mounting frustration before it overwhelmed her sanity.

"W-what? Scheming?.. Do you think I'm planning something? Shouldn't you be grateful that I took responsibility?" Baekhyun's confusion matched his guilty conscience. The unfolding scene was not what he had anticipated.

"Why did you do it? Do you realize the severe consequences?" Taeyeon's rage intensified, but beneath her fury lay genuine confusion. She understood that she was destined to bear the brunt of punishment for her actions, yet Baekhyun had shielded her.

Both mired in bewilderment, their thoughts ran in different directions.

"I know... T-That's why I covered for you..." Baekhyun couldn't muster the courage to meet her blazing gaze. He felt as though he might be incinerated by the intensity of her anger.

"But why? I don't understand. Those punishments are meant for me," Taeyeon protested, her agitation spurring her to act. "I'm going to confess to the CEO that it's my fault." She moved to leave, but Baekhyun instinctively seized her wrist, preventing her departure.

"No, don't. Are you worried about me?" Baekhyun's voice trembled slightly, a glimmer of hope creeping into his words. Yet, he was fully aware of the reality he was facing.

"Worried? I'm not," Taeyeon retorted firmly, her eyebrows furrowed in clear denial. Concern had no place here, or so she convinced herself.

"I j-just don't want to be indebted to you. That's all," Baekhyun replied, perhaps a bit too hastily. It was an explanation that made sense on the surface, but beneath it lay a complex mix of emotions he couldn't fully articulate. "Now, let go of me."

Baekhyun's hopes were dashed as quickly as they had arisen. He was met with the harsh reality that she wasn't concerned about him in the way he had hoped for.

Taeyeon attempted to wriggle free from his grip, but his hold was unyielding, his determination evident. "I won't let go until you promise me you won't say anything," he insisted.

Frustration etched its mark across Taeyeon's features as she shut her eyes momentarily, grappling with the situation. "Why can't you just let me? It's my fault entirely!"

"I understand, okay?! But please, just for now, can you put your pride aside? Let's not treat each other the way you've been doing. I can already envision the consequences of the dating news, and I'm sure you can too. I'll bear the responsibility, you won't have to do a thing."

"That's not the issue. I'm concerned about the punishment," Taeyeon argued vehemently. She couldn't reconcile with the idea of anyone else facing repercussions for her actions.

"Why does it matter so much to you? The punishments won't be as severe as you think, trust me. I know," Baekhyun whispered earnestly, his grip now encompassing both of her hands. "And I'm not asking for your debt. Compared to everything I've put you through, this is nothing."

Taeyeon's heart remained unconvinced. She was well aware that Baekhyun had suffered too, even though her pain had been more profound. It didn't help that societal expectations placed greater burdens on her as a woman.

"I can't bring myself to tell Dean about the company's decision. I lack the courage," she admitted, her gaze cast downward, revealing the turmoil within her.

Baekhyun's nod carried a tinge of bitterness, understanding the weight of the situation. "You should tell Dean as soon as possible. It's best if he hears it from you rather than discovering it elsewhere."

"Stay strong. That's your most powerful weapon right now. I'll handle the rest." An unusual calmness overtook him as he spoke those words. The concerns and worries that usually plagued him seemed to fade into the background. There was only one thing he could focus on now, and that was her. Prioritizing her well-being became his sole purpose, allowing him to find some semblance of peace despite the chaos.

Kim Taeyeon felt a sense of weakness engulfing her, leaving her feeling hollow and adrift in her thoughts. A swarm of worries buzzed around her, and she felt as though she had no one to lean on, her boyfriend blissfully unaware of the turmoil she was facing.

Yet, Byun Baekhyun was there, extending his arms and enfolding her in an embrace—a gesture she needed more than she could express. In that moment, his embrace felt like a sanctuary, a refuge from the storm brewing around them. It didn't matter what roles they played or what the world expected of them; his arms offered a comforting haven.

For the first time in what felt like forever, she was unburdened. She felt safe, and the presence of someone who had once held a significant place in her heart provided a sense of solace she desperately needed. She found herself reciprocating the embrace, clinging to the moment of respite from the turmoil that surrounded her. Just for a little while, they could forget their statuses, forget their responsibilities. In that fleeting embrace, Kim Taeyeon found the comfort she sought, and in him, a lifeline she could hold onto.

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