Chapter 27

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Baekhyun's grip tightened into a fist as he punched the digits on his phone's screen. Sitting in his car parked just outside her place, he hadn't mustered the will to leave. His gaze remained fixed on the scene unfolding inside the house, his eyes glued to the two figures within.

The sight was all too clear. Taeyeon had pulled away from their embrace, her hand finding her phone on the coffee table and holding it to her ear. Her eyes were on the man before her, but then she looked away, a mix of emotions playing across her features.

"Hey, you... Are you almost here?" Taeyeon's voice carried a note of concern, her wristwatch catching her attention, her eyes widening when she saw the time, the clock's hands already pointing at 8 PM.

Baekhyun struggled to maintain his composure, forcing his words out in a deliberate weariness. "I don't think I can make it," he replied, his voice heavy with a fatigue that was more performance than reality.

"Why? What happened? Where are you?"

Swallowing hard, he steadied his voice. "Nothing. My temperature just shot up out of nowhere. I'm heading back home."

He watched as Taeyeon exhaled in apparent relief, a pang striking him at the sight. "Are you okay though? Should I come check on you?" Her concern was evident in her words, and yet it stung to see how unconcerned she truly seemed.

A bitter smile tugged at his lips. "No need to trouble yourself. I'll manage." Oh, how he wished she would offer, but he couldn't ignore her lack of worry.

"Take care of yourself. Remember to take your medicine. Um, get well soon," her words held a touch of hesitance, a hint of something unspoken.

Without a word, the 28-year-old disconnected the call, his silence echoing in the empty space. He wanted to test her, to see if she'd weave a lie about her whereabouts. But courage failed him, his voice threatening to crack. Unbeknownst to her, a solitary tear slipped from the corner of his eye, a quiet testament to the storm of emotions within.

His heart yearned to understand their intentions, yet the weight of it all was too much to bear. With a heavy sigh, he turned the key in the ignition and pulled away, every rev of the engine distancing him from a scene he couldn't fully comprehend. The road ahead beckoned, and he drove on, a facade of calm wrapped tightly around his turmoil.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the emotional divide, Kim Taeyeon faced her ex-boyfriend, Kwon Hyuk, a tense silence lingering in the wake of the ended call. "I guess I should get going," he said, the words hanging in the air between them.

Taeyeon offered a simple smile, her response just as succinct. "I'll walk you out."

Dean's presence was explained by a forgotten piece of equipment, a vital something he had left behind. But beyond that, there was a deeper reason, a farewell as he readied to embark on a long journey to America. Side by side, they walked towards the exit, the air thick with unsaid sentiments.

"Taeyeon," Dean's voice halted them in their tracks. He turned to face her, his eyes holding a mixture of emotions. "I hope everything goes well for you." A wistful smile tugged at his lips as he leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, a gesture laden with memories.

Taeyeon closed her eyes, but unlike times past, her heart remained untouched. No rosy blush painted her cheeks, no wide grin played on her lips. She let herself imagine, just for a moment, that it was Baekhyun bestowing that tender kiss upon her.

Resuming their steps, they walked a few paces before a curious object on the ground seized their attention. Taeyeon's brows knitted in puzzlement, mirrored by Dean's intrigue.

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