July 2017

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For the last few weeks, both Connell and Marianne have decided to take their new relationship slow and steady. Marianne asked him to move in with her in her new apartment, back in Dublin. Without giving it a second thought, Connell moved in with her. 

One morning, Connell wakes up to see Marianne fast asleep. He leans over and gives a long kiss on her forehead. Just as he is about to get out of bed he feels a hand grab his arm. He turns around to see Marianne, still with her eyes closed, grabbing his arm

"Stay," Marianne says

"Alright, I'll stay," Connell says whilst getting back into bed with Marianne

As soon as he gets back in, he holds Marianne close to him and...

"You know, every morning when I was in New York when I woke up in my empty bed, I imagined that you were there with me. I really wanted you to be there with me" Connell tells Marianne

"I know, I felt the same way, even when I was with Daniel," Marianne says

"I really love you, Marianne," Connell says

"I love you too Connell," Marianne says


Connell moves his hand under the covers and over to Marianne. She moans as soon as she can feel his hands all over her.

"Oh that feels good" Marianne moans out

"Yeah?" Connell says with a slight chuckle

Connell continues to have his hands all over Marianne until Marianne decides to take her hands over Connell. This then causes Connell to moan a bit as well. They continue like this for a few minutes until Connell decides to get on top of Marianne. They then begin to thrust in rhythm with each other. Both Connell and Marianne moan quite heavily and loudly. 

"Oh, Connell!" Marianne moans out

"Do you want me to stop? It is ok if you want me too" Connell asks

"No, but just go a bit slower," Marianne says

"Ok," Connell says

"Thanks," Marianne says

Connell slows the pace down a bit, they continue like this for another few minutes until Connell can go no more. 

"Did you enjoy that?" Connell asks Marianne whilst holding her hand

"Yes. I enjoyed that a lot" Marianne says

"I'm glad, you enjoyed that" Connell says



Connell and Marianne are getting ready for a day out for themselves. Connell knows a place called Carlingford, a small town with a beautiful beach and a pier. He wanted Marianne to see it for herself. 

The drive took just over an hour or so to get there. The weather was nice and sunny with around 21°C heat. They drive down the road that leads to the small beach and the pier. Surprisingly theres not too many people on either the pier or the beach. Nearly any time that Connell was here, he would always see that the beach was packed along with the pier. 

"This place is beautiful" Marianne says whilst she is getting out of the car carrying deck chairs.

"It's one of my favourite places to come to" Connell tells her

"Right, first things first. A swim then lunch" Connell says whilst stripping down to his swim shorts

"Alright then" Marianne says whilst stripping down to her bikini

Connell takes Marianne's hand whilst they walk down the pier. Connell then looks over the pier to see the green of the Irish Sea.

"Only one proper way to do this" Connell says]

"Which is?" Marianne asks

Connell then takes a few steps back, then sprints forward and then jumps off the edge of the pier and into the cold water. He then comes straight up

"Right your turn" Connell says to Marianne

"Only if you do it with me" Marianne says

"Fair enough" Connell says

He gets back up to Marianne, grabs her hand and they both jump in together. They enjoy themselves for the entire day out. When they are finished, they pack up and drive back to Dublin.

A few weeks later Connell finishes his book but decides not to publish it just yet. Instead he gives his story to Marianne, Niall and Joanna to see what they think. Marianne said she loved it upon reading it first. She then notices similarities between the main female character in Connell's story and herself. 

One morning after waking up, Marianne all of a sudden feels quite sick, she then runs straight to the bathroom.

"Marianne?" Connell asks

"In here" Marianne tells him in between throwing up in the toilet. 

Connell rushes in and holds her hair back for her.

"You alright?" Connell asks

"Yeah. It must've been the stuff I had last night" Marianne says

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" Connell asks

"Yeah, definitely" Marianne says

Marianne then cleans herself up and then gets dressed. She then meets up with Joanna in her apartment. Marianne tells Joanna that she has missed her period and that she has been feeling quite nauseas. 

"You should probably take a pregnancy test" Joanna tells Marianne

"Yeah I probably should" Marianne says

"Look, stay here and I'll go into a pharmacy and get a pregnancy test for you." Joanna says to Marianne

"Thanks" Marianne says

Marianne waits about 36 minutes before Joanna comes back with a pregnancy test. Whilst she is waiting for Joanna to come back, she has so many thoughts running through her mind. 

"What do I tell Connell? What do I do with a baby? How will Connell react? Will he leave me?" Are just some of the many thoughts she is thinking

Joanna walks through her apartment door and gives Marianne the pregnancy test. Marianne then takes it into the bathroom with her. Joanna waits nearly an hour until Marianne finally comes out of the bathroom. Marianne is just holding the pregnancy test in her hands. She then stops in her tracks about halfway between the bathroom and the kitchen. Joanna gets up from her seat and approaches Marianne 

"Well?" Joanna asks

Marianne looks at the pregnancy test one last time and then looks at Joanna

"I'm pregnant" Marianne tells Joanna

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