November 2016

917 4 0

Marianne walks down the hall of her apartment, into her kitchen to make herself and Daniel, her new boyfriend some breakfast. Daniel is not like Jamie or Lukas. He is nice, nerdy, and is studying construction. 

Marianne fixes herself a cup of tea and a cup of coffee for Daniel. "Morning, love" Daniel said, standing at the doorframe. "Morning, how are you?" Marianne asked. "Fine, thanks for asking" Daniel replied. "What are you doing today?" Marianne asked. "Oh just, having more classes and meeting up with the lads, how about you?" Marianne paused for a second, thinking about what she might do for the day. "I'll probably hang out with Joanna," Marianne said. After their short conversation, Daniel went off to have a shower, leaving Marianne to herself. 


Marianne meets up with Joanna in a small local cafe in the city center. Once Marianne sees Joanna she embraces her and they both sit down.  "Have you got that new job?" Joanna asked Marianne. For the last few months, Marianne has been trying to get a history teaching job at a private all-girls school in Dublin. "Haven't heard anything back from them yet" Marianne, answering Joanna's question. "Did they say when you are going to be told, whether if you got the job or not?" Joanna asked. "I think someday next week," Marianne said whilst sipping her cup of tea. They talk for a few more minutes about Marianne's potential job, then Joanna asks Marianne a question she was not expecting to hear. "Have you heard anything from Connell?" Joanna asked Marianne. Marianne froze at this unexpected question. Nobody has asked her about Connell in months. She hasn't even heard anything from him since he left for New York, 10 months ago. "Marianne?" Joanna asked. Marianne snapped out of her thoughts before saying "". Marianne thought about how she was going to respond to Joanna's question.

"I have not heard anything from him in 10 months," Marianne said to Joanna. "Why?" Joanna asked. "Have you not even tried to contact him?" Joanna asked. "No, because I wouldn't know what to say" Marianne responded. "Why don't you talk to him, it's obvious you miss him and want to talk to him". Joanna said. "Oh, it's obvious is it?" Marianne said in a sarcastic tone. "Yes, actually it is," Joanna said. "Look..." Marianne started "Connell is obviously doing well in New York and has probably forgotten all about me because he has some new sexy American girl" Marianne ranted. "Well how do you know this for sure?" Joanna asked. "Cause I know Connell, or at least I did," Marianne said. "You still do," Joanna said whilst smiling at her. Joanna then decided to change the subject. "You fancy going out on Friday night to the cinema?" Joanna asked Marianne. "Yeah sure, what were you thinking?" Marianne asked Joanna with interest. "Well there's that true historical drama, about a soldier who went into war without firing a gun, it has Andrew Garfield in it and is called Hacksaw Ridge" Joanna suggested. "Sounds very good, sure," Marianne said, sounding a bit happier. 

After the film, Marianne came back to her apartment, hearing the tv on in her living room. She walked in to see Daniel watching a documentary about construction. "Hey babe, how was the film?" Daniel asked Marianne. "It was so good, and weirdly enough, quite close to the events it was trying to depict," Marianne said. "Would you recommend it for me?" Daniel asked with interest. "Definitely," Marianne said with enthusiasm. Marianne then walked over to where Daniel was sitting, sat on top of him, and proceeded to kiss him. 


The kiss began to turn into a heavy make-out session. Daniel began to take off Marianne's top, then Marianne took off his shirt, leaving him shirtless. She then kissed him multiple times on the torso. He then took off her trousers, then unhooked her bra, exposing her chest and breasts. He then turned his focus to her neck. Marianne moaned quite loudly as Daniel was kissing her neck, she moaned louder and louder. In-Fact whilst she was moaning she nearly moaned out Connell's name. They continued on like this for another few minutes, Daniel was fast asleep in bed, with Marianne next to him wide awake.

She then got up out of her bed, put on her dressing-gown, and went into the kitchen to make herself a quick cup of tea. Whilst she was waiting for her kettle to finish boiling, she found herself reaching for her phone. She then found herself going into contacts and seeing "Connell" on her list. She tapped on his name and was about to tap his phone number, but stopped herself and went back to focusing on her kettle boiling. She then poured the boiling water into her tea mug, took out the teabag with her teaspoon, and then added a little bit of milk. She then sat down at her table and drank her tea silently. Whilst she was drinking her tea, she thought back to the first time she and Connell kissed, the first time they had sex, the time he told her he loved her, the time she told him to go, the time they meet up again in Trinity, the time he apologized and then the time they got back together. She had tears slowly falling from her eyes just thinking about Connell, and came to the realization that she was not over him and that she still loved him and loved him more than Daniel.

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