March 2018

622 2 0

Marianne and Connell are expecting the birth of their daughter to come any day now. Marianne has been told by the doctors that her daughter will be born very soon. Both Connell and Marianne have already begun to talk about names for their daughter. Marianne wants the name "Caoimhe, Ciara or Niamh". However, Connell would like the name "Katie, Laoise or Orla".

Marianne and Connell are relaxing in their apartment, Marianne is currently reading "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. And Connell is currently working on another novel. Marianne is about halfway through reading the book, stops

"I'm sorry, this is fucking brilliant," Marianne says

Connell then looks up from his notes and looks at Marianne reading "Of Mice and Men"

"Oh yeah, I remember studying that book when I was in 5th Year for the Leaving Cert. It really is a masterpiece." Connell says to Marianne

"Do you remember what you got for studying it?" Marianne asks Connell

"You don't remember?" Connell says

"I didn't really read it during class but I read it when I went home" Marianne admits to Connell

"Ah, I see. Um, I remember I got about 96% on any class test we got on the topic "Of Mice and Men". I just think it's all down to the writing style that Steinbeck does" Connell tells Marianne

"Yeah you're right, Steinbeck is spot on with that" Marianne says

"He absolutely was," Connell says

They continue to sit in silence for the next half hour until...

"Oh!" Marianne says as she holds her stomach

"AH!" Marianne yells

Connell then stands up and rushes straight over to Marianne who appears to be in some pain

"Marianne, what is it? Is it the baby?" Connell asks Marianne

"Connell," Marianne says

"Yes?" Connell says

"I think my water just broke," Marianne tells Connell

Connell is visibly shocked by this but also knows that he has to remain calm for Marianne's sake.

"Um, alright, um, first let me help you up," Connell says whilst helping Marianne up

Connell then calls an ambulance and tells the hospital to expect someone going into labour. He then finishes the phone call, then gets all of Marianne's stuff prepared, then just as they are about to walk out of the apartment.

"You ready?" Connell asks whilst holding Marianne's hand

"As ready as I will ever be," Marianne says to Connell

Connell then gives Marianne a quick passionate kiss before they both leave the apartment.

On the drive up to the hospital, the contractions begin to hit Marianne quite hard, but Connell is trying his best to keep her comfortable, once they arrive at the hospital the staff move very quickly to get Marianne into a room. Connell then waits outside the room and decides to call his mam, Niall and Joanna.

About half an hour goes by before Niall and Joanna show up at the hospital.

"Hows Marianne?" Joanna asks Connell

"Well, every now and then you can hear her screaming in pain," Connell says to Joanna with a bit of discomfort

"Mate, she will pull through," Niall says to Connell

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