February 2017

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Connell has been staying in Carricklea for the last few weeks. The reason being, he wanted to see his mum and visit his home town again. They are both in the kitchen having dinner together.

"So love, how was 'the city that never sleeps'?" Lorraine asked Connell

"Brilliant loved it, I've got to try and get you over there one day" Connell answered Lorraine

"Why, do you think I will enjoy it?" Lorraine asked

"Very much so, there is so much to do," Connell said

"Well, what did you do? What places did you visit?" Lorraine asked

"Well on one of my first weekends that I was free, I took a boat out to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty, it was an amazing experience," Connell said

"What else?" Lorraine asked

"Well when I finished class one day, I decided to take a walk into central park and came across Strawberry Fields and then went across the street to see the Dakota Apartments. In fact, on December 8th I went back to Strawberry Fields because there was a ceremony being held for John." Connell said

"Sounds like you had a good time," Lorraine said 

"Yeah I did," Connell said

"What's wrong?" Lorraine asked


"Towards Christmas, I took a walk around the Ice Rink at the Rockefeller Center, and I saw a man and a woman, the man got on his knees and asked the girl to marry him, she accepted and it just made me think..." Connell revealed

"Think of what?" Lorraine asked

"Marianne" Connell said

"What about her?" Lorraine asked

"I still love her," Connell said

"What!" Lorraine shouted

"I love her mum" Connell repeated

"Wow... well you know she has a..." Lorraine said

"A boyfriend, yeah I know, we talked whilst I was in New York. Was she round here for Christmas?" Connell asked

"Yes she was," Lorraine said

"How is she?" Connell asked

"She is doing good, did you know, she is a teacher now?" Lorraine revealed

"What? No, I didn't, where is she teaching and what is she teaching?" Connell asked

"She is teaching in an all-girls private school in Dublin and she is teaching history" Lorraine answered

"Well fair play to her," Connell said

Connell and his mum continue to talk for the rest of their meals until Connell decides to say

"I'm going back to Dublin, next week," Connell revealed

"Oh, and where are you going to stay?" Lorraine asked

"When I first arrived in Dublin from New York, I asked Niall, my old landlord, if he could hold up my old room for me and he said "no problem" so," Connell answered

"Ok, sweetheart, I'm just glad you are back," Lorraine said

"Yeah, I as well mum, I as well," Connell said

Connell arrives back in Dublin, goes to Niall's, rings on the doorbell, sees the door open up.

"Connell!" Niall shouts

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